Somebody find Yardie. Remember that much ballyhooed BET Special where Willie The Liar promised he’d explain in more detail how being a CO got him closer to Pablo Escobar? Well, it airs in about two hours.
Hard to get the inside word on what we’re supposed to see, but rumors are runnin’ rampant (I see you Wild Chery. Ha!) that it’s nothing special. Still expect to see my peoples, XXL EIC, Datwon Thomas and radio queenpens, Miss Info and Angela Yee tossin’ in their three cents. I for one, will be watching like Rockwell. Go to hell, haters.
Maybe I’ll live blog it. Can’t wait to watch Ross’ white lady supervisor share her thoughts. “William was so nice. He used to love pecan pie on his snack breaks.” Ha!
Big Tigger said the Double R. Ha!
Ross playin’ pool. What jacket is that.
Toure > Big Tigger (No shots) Ha!
Chuck Creekmur and Datwon biggin’ up Hustlin
Info in the house
Ang Yee says Ross crew is thoro
Info on Trilla
CO Time
Dey thought it was photoshop at first
Info shocked by Mafia Music.
Timeline again of 50 beef. Exhausting.
Tigger time.
He’s got cue cards
“That was me in the photos.” Again.
[…] set to drop on April 21. Unlike traditional mixtapes that feature DJs hosting and blending tracks, Fab is taking a different approach, opting for a project free from […]