
Category: News
New Video: YN vs. Kid Cudi


Had a wonderful time connectin’ with rap’s new generation at the NahRight/TSS showcase in Austin. No disrespect to my fellow jefes, eskay and Gotti but I had to pull your man Cudi to the side and build with him.

Flaunting a fresh RapRadar sticker, Kanye’s protege clarifies his “retirement” blog, professes his respect for Snoop Dogg and lets you know stoned is the way of his walk.

Capo and Cam Reunion Talk Back On
Jim Cam

Here’s Jim Jones who just admitted on Funk Flex that he did speak to Cam on the phone and finally wants to make amends. Coincidentally, Prey IV Reign is in stores manana. Yup, it’s all for the love of money. Can someone say Diplomats album?

I like when he calls him Flea. Ahh!!!

{mp3}01 cam reach out 1{/mp3} 

Exclusive Eminem New Single Info
Em 50

“Who’s the Rain Man? Where’s the Rain Man?”

So as you’ve seen in some previous reports, Em shot a video in Vegas with his buddies 50 Cent and Dr. Dre over the weekend and no it’s not for “Crack A Bottle.”

Hit the jump for the real info.

Jadakiss Live at Fader SXSW


In super promo mode (Last Kiss Apr. 7), Yonkers’ finest brought along his fellow Lox brethren and a lotta of NYC swagger to this hip-hop Woodstock. (Insert Jada laugh)

You know the drill if ya want more.