God. Damn. Rhymefest recently sat down with blog roll occupant, Karen Civil and ripped Dukie Hamilton a new one.
“This is hip-hop. This ain’t for bitch niggas. This ain’t for bitch bitches. This ain’t for pussies. This is hip-hop. If you say something about somebody or to a muthafucka, be ready to respond.”
“I am a man. I’m a not a little cutesy muthafucka with smedium sweaters. I’m not a hipster. I’m fuckin’ hip-hop. I am hip-hop. I am Wu-Tang, I am Chuck D, I am LL Cool J. I’m El Che. I am Rhymefest. I am not, the guy that sells headphones at the Mac store. That is not me.”
Who Got The Props? Karen Civil