YN Blackout: No Justice

Written By: @Elliottwilson September 6, 2014 @ 4:56 PM EDT
  1. Black Phillip says:

    Media is more to blame

  2. Luke says:

    First off this was a tragedy and I respect the right to protest for what has been presumed a racial injustice. But how can we jump to conclusions about an event we have conflicting facts on. If the police officer was attacked and he shot him, that is not racist. If you think he should have pulled his taser out instead thats fair, but when a cop shoots he shoots to kill. So all this nonsensical bullshit about how the six shots was too many, in reality he was just doing as trained (assuming he had the right to fire). Now is it possible he’s guilty, of course! But in America we are innocent till proven guilty and I stick by that.

    1. Davide Leroy says:

      its more of an violation of Michael Brown’s american rights. then white cop shoots black kid. We love to point the finger of race, sexual orention or gender.

      1. AKofteam80ty says:

        right cause even black cops be fucking with us out here in the Lou homie, the media started that bullshit, but if we getting right to it police shouldn’t be policing areas they ain’t comfortable in. Why they not talking about the unit he worked for that got shut down just before this all happened because of claims of racism or how when he pulled up he told them to get the fuck out the street he was on one already….. why not how the police chief back peddled on his story the whole time fucking up in the public eye hellas and then having to go back and correct shit. lets face it here there is a bunch of corrupt shit going on, but even though all that happened I see blacks, whites and latinos our here protesting. They treated us all like we some fucking animals, let alone getting they ass caught on camera saying a bunch of racist shit, or talking like monsters the real animal has been them if you ask me. We do need police, but the real question everyone should be asking is why the police in my city, that jurisdiction felt the need to not install their cameras or took their badges off during the protest, its plain and simple cause they on bullshit my dude

    2. Big T.R.U.T.H says:

      I am not so sure about that one, I have seen a couple videos since this incident where police have found ways to peacefully arrest White people brandishing guns and other life threatening weapons. Even ol boy who shot dozens of people in the movie theater got better treatment by the police. The ultimate problem is that being Black in America comes with the presumption of guilt. Which is why purses get clinched where you enter an elevator, locks get pushed when you walk past cars and unarmed teens get followed and sometimes killed for just walking through their neighborhood. Racism isnt a stain on the fabric of America, IT IS the fabric of America. The Darren Wilson’s and Zimmerman’s etc are supported financially and legally by people and a system who inherently believe that as long as the victim is Black the perpetrator is in the right.

      1. yaaaup says:

        what are you rambling about. much evidence has come out that this kid was high on drug messing with the officer then charging towards him and didn’t stop coming after 5 shots. The 6th bullet is waht killed him after he was dangerously close to the officer. he wan’t surrendering like the guy in colorado. he wasn’t whooping the shit out of(even though he deserved it) george zimmerman.. He was charging an officer and not stopping after 4 or 5 bullets him in the arms. fuck off with the black love white hate. it was this black mans fault. it shouldnt even mattered he was black. he wasn’t shot in the back. he was shotinthe head while charging and officer. darwin takes another one.

        1. Big T.R.U.T.H says:

          Oh my bad I didn’t know you were there. You speak on speculative information (the majority of which was released by Ferguson police) as though it is FACT. Their story has consistency evolved in order to gain sympathy while criminalizing Mike Brown. The story as told by people who were ACTUALLY there is that there was a struggle at the Police officers car then MB took off running. The police officer fired a set of shots which caused MB to stop and turn around with his hands up at which point, a second set of shots were fired that killed him.

      2. tipp0183 says:

        I couldn’t have articulated that better. Well said!!

    3. Chronic says:

      First of all, he could’ve got a taser out just as quickly as a gun. Second of all, if you have a gun you should be trained well enough to be able to aim it, and one or two shots in the leg will most definitely stop someone in there tracks…especially if they themselves have no gun to shoot back at you with.

      1. ilexx says:


        …and our police officers should be able to do this without a problem.

      2. yessss says:

        he hit him a couple times in the arm. that would stop him as well and also have the chance to not hit main arteries that could have also ended the 18 year olds life by bleeding out. the officer did what he was fucking trained. he killed a deranged person on drugs trying to attack and take his life. this is bullshit because of his skin color. black people need to get off their asses and start their own businesses and shit or get some low paying jobs instead of not taking the jobs and going on ebt’s. have you ever worked with black people? the stereotype they dont like to work is very true if the majority of the neighborhood isn’t black. sorry this isn’t your country black people it is all of ours. just because you had a shitty past doesn’t mean as a whole you can’t get past it. they just like to play the victim but they don’t understand the powers that be aren’t sympathetic to it anymore because they see through and have for year.

        1. Chronic says:

          He was also shot 2 times in the head…I’m white and what you’re saying is just racist as fuck and has nothing to do with the case.

        2. hilroycahier says:

          China’s coming for ya bud. I wouldn’t be so cocky you might have to work unlike your slavemaster ancestors. Deal with it homeboy, the reign is over – we all niggas now 😀

        3. tipp0183 says:

          his arms were raised. those shots in the arm were aimed at his head.

        4. Btom says:

          Bruhh. If you are honestly defending this Cop you are an idot. It’s not a white and black thing. It’s about protecting the youth and are impoverished neighborhoods from the people who are sworn to protect us(Who have not been doing a good job at it). You think black people choose to live in deplorable conditions, do you think we fund our schools, you think we want to work for minimum wage? when the majority of black ppl in this country live in or around the most exspensive cities i.e D.C, NYC, L.A, Atlanta, San Fran, etc.. We have been put in situation we are not suppose to come out of.. So think twice before you spaeak upon situations you have no clue about because your speculation is idiotic and clearly you lack common sense to think Cops wouldn’t put out the best story to cover another officer who just royaly fucked up. fucking idot

    4. AKofTeam80ty says:

      WELL THAT AUDIO SAYS OTHERWISE, if able to used in court sense its only audio and no footage he let off a full clip and the slight pause in that audio is a problem. I don’t hate all cops but this is my home and cops be on bullshit around my way homie. Yeah we do feel they should have resulted to the taser, then maybe we would be getting why this all transpired but that cop ain’t want that. I stay like 8 minutes away with fam still over there and the cops be on bullshit homie. Its not just here in ferguson, florissant shit its all over. They all don’t act like that but this shit has to stop, cause its way too much bullshit going on

      1. AKofteam80ty says:

        since not sense

    5. ilexx says:

      I have heard a lot of ppl use the “he was doing as he was trained” argument but the is that is apart of the problem if that was the case. Police don’t have to “shoot to kill” they could and should shoot to subdue if the person is unarmed. I honestly believe they are trained well enough to shoot anywhere on the body they want to, so whether or not he attempted to break free or even attack him, it doesn’t make it ok for an officer that we are paying to protect us, to “shoot to kill” an unarmed man.

      1. THE guest says:

        The problem with aiming for an arm or leg is the high percentage chance that they miss their target (that’s probably moving) and harming someone else. Personally I DO NOT think police are trained for precision shots and I personally do not think most officers are mentally/physically fit for their job.

    6. tipp0183 says:

      so listening to a bunch of eye witnesses is jumping to conclusions?

    7. PREMERE says:

      No we are all guilty until proven innocent…

  3. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:




    1. Rick Radar says:

      I hate this opinion!

      1. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:



        1. Dope says:

          Neither are you, me or anyone else in these comments.

          1. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:


            DON’T HATE ON MY OPINION!!!!!

          2. Dope says:

            As always, nothing intelligent comes from you.

          3. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:


            DON’T HATE ON MY OPINION!!!!

          4. Dope says:

            Keep talking, maybe I can help you. Let’s start simple.. why are you angry? Is it because your mother never loved you and your father did something strange when he came home drunk?

          5. Extra Domus says:

            GET EMMMMMM

    2. tipp0183 says:

      you are a little disgruntled but you are actually kinda right this time. Very rare.

  4. Duane Mecca Johnson says:


    M.E.C.C.A-Real Emotions

    Cus if I post the link the they might not let me have my say this song is in support of seeking justice for mike brown short

  5. ShmIamRealTalk says:


  6. JP says:

    Rapradar, you are a disappointment. Not because of this post, but because you choose to delete comments that you don’t support. With the exception of Mac Diesel, who we know is a Rapradar creation that is used to stir things up and get people to comment. Pathetic. I’ll be surprised if this post doesn’t get removed.

    1. Burns says:

      I have never seen a comment deleted on here, i don’t even think they watch the comments.

      1. Samsohn says:

        I’ve had comments deleted before. Call YN out on some real shit, it’ll get snatched up quick.

    2. Strong Enough says:

      you PO PO!

  7. themarksman says:

    Doing what’s politically correct. Smh. Stop acting like y’all care. As long as Ross and Jigga pay you your royalty fees you don’t care bout shit just like your good ol du rag days.

  8. Mikk Swagger says:

    If YN’s comment was about the Green Goblin then it would have some credibility bc goblins stick together and he would know what he was talking about. Maybe the cop was wrong but for all you know Mike Brown was high on that shit and bumrushed the cop, until you know the facts shut your dumb ass up. Why not black out on Fredo Santana or Chief Keef for perpetuating violence in Chicago where HUNDREDS of black kids are dying every month?? Because YN doesn’t really give a shit and is huge, gaping, vagina. Man up, goblin.

  9. Michael Ib bett says:

    I never realized the song black and yellow wasn’t about sports colors, it was about Elliott Wilson. I can’t believe I never realized that.

  10. Extra Domus says:

    uhhhh, am I missing something? There’s nothing on this post…just a pic

    1. PREMERE says:

      Yeah there isnt anything here but a pic…

  11. Bojack Horseman says:

    Thiss is dumb af. Everytime an african american gets shot somebody has to call it rasicm. Theres not possible the way that the officer was doing in his job and defending himself because he just apparently a racist and trying to kill somebody with a different skin color than his own. People really need to come off that ignorant shit they’ve been dickriding lately because not every police situation is fucking racist. In Chicago when they have shootings and they’re black on black its obviously not racist right? But as soon as an officer is getting shot at or atacked or whatever and he pull his gun out its automatically racist. Its fucking ignorant.

    1. PREMERE says:

      If i were a cop and its my life against a perp 10 times out of 10 im shooting even if it were my own kind or not. Some cops are racist and some are not, some cops are good some are not…….

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