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Pete Rock Visits DJ Premier (Video)

[sparkart-clique site=”rap_radar” video=”preem_and_pete”] During the opening set of his Guru Salute mix, DJ Premier is greeted by Pete Rock who has a show at the same time on Shade 45. Of course, the chocolate boy wonder had to make time to pay his respects. Remember the two do battle next Sunday May 2 in Japan. Who’s comin’ with me? Ha!

DJ Premier On His Guru Hospital Visit (Video)

[sparkart-clique site=”rap_radar” video=”preem_on_guru_visit”] I was honored and humbled to be an invited guest to DJ Premier’s Live From Headqcourterz Hip Hop Nation radio show last Friday night. Not only did Preem pay musical homage to his partner, he more importantly, for the first time, revealed that he did visit Guru in his last days. The details are heartbreaking. Damn you, Solar. Previously: DJ Premier’s Guru Salute Mix

Gang Starr The Ownerz Footage

[sparkart-clique site=”rap_radar” video=”gang_starr_owners”] This was lifted from the actual CD of Gang Starr’s last studio album, The Ownerz. A DVD was planned but never came to fruition. Included are several interviews and live performances. One of the best yet. Bonus: Footage from Preemo’s Salute Set

Common D.C. Freestyle

The audio is distorted up to the 3:00 mark, but last Friday Common was at Club Ibiza in D.C. And once again, he showed off his talents with another freestyle. Watch out for the lollipop reference at the 5:15 point. Again: 57th ave

Drake Talks Mixtape vs. Album

[vodpod id=Video.3494450&w=425&h=350&fv=configParams%3Dinstance%3Dnews%26amp%3Bvid%3D508494] Drake explains to Sway his methodology when approaching a mixtape versus an album. In his own words, he says: “A mixtape can’t be the songs that don’t make your album, or songs that aren’t good enough to make your album make your mixtape — unless you’re that good. There aren’t that many people that are that good. I’m not that good. That mixtape [So Far Gone] is me working my hardest. It wasn’t ‘Oh, here are the songs […]