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Diggy Appreciates Kanye’s Praise

[vodpod id=Video.3305995&w=425&h=350&fv=configParams%3Dinstance%3Dnews%26amp%3Bvid%3D496938] Diggy talks to Sway about deciding to go in over Nas’ “Made You Look” and reacts to Ye’s blog cosign. “Man it feels good. He’s definitely one of the best. He’s like one of the craziest wordsmiths. His verses are amazing and I look up to him in hip-hop, so that co-sign, definitely once they said it in perspective, it was like, ‘Wow.’“ Will Young Mr. Simmons be blessed with a track is the question?

Joe Budden’s Moment Of Clarity

Late last night while some of us were sleep, Mouse took to his social network device and expressed mo’ thoughts about the recent fuckery in his life and how he often feels misunderstood. Think I’m gonna give this guy a hug next time I see him. No homo.