[vodpod id=Groupvideo.4224983&w=425&h=350&fv=] From the New York Times side to prime time. Last night, Rae got a boost after performing “Catalina” on The Late Show with Jimmy Fallon. Below, peep The Chef’s work of art. PDS
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[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.907758&w=425&h=350&fv=] You heard ’em ma. This dogg is hungry. All the Doggfather wants is some chicken wings, rice with gravy, cornbread and a lil’ chocolate yellow cake. It’s the least you could do for your favorite rapper.
Like we say around these parts: Don’t just talk about supporting our culture. Actually, do it. The single’s .99 cents. All three versions are three bucks. Cop. Now, didn’t that feel good?
“Running around smashing gardens overlook my daises/ I feel your pain, if I’m lyin’ even God can take me” We all know the Wizard Of Poetry fits in pretty well when adding his potion to R&B tracks. Well here adds his magic touch to Melanie Fiona for a remix to her single. The Bridge in stores now. Splash
If this holds true, Hov will be the millionth rapper to render Snoop’s track. Since the release of The Blueprint 3 last September, Jigga performed at Yankee Stadium, celebrated a birthday, and oh yeah—ignored Beanie Sigel. Clearly, Jay’s got a lot to talk about. Only time will tell if he wants us to hear it.
[vodpod id=Groupvideo.4222289&w=425&h=350&fv=level%3D0%26repeat%3Dlist%26image%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fi45.tinypic.com%252F4uw6sy.png%26skin%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fspamtheweb.com%252Ful%252Fupload%252F2809%252F25294_bekle.swf%26backcolor%3DFF0000%26frontcolor%3D000000%26lightcolor%3DFFFFFF%26screencolor%3D000000%26bandwidth%3D0%26controlbar%3Dover%26dock%3Dfalse%26file%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fvideo.ak.facebook.com%252Fvideo-ak-sf2p%252Fv6814%252F41%252F6%252F211391873320_55917.mp4%26plugins%3Dviral-2] Mary’s new compact disc will be in stores in less than a week. So tonight on So You Think You Can Dance, she performed her latest single, “I Am”. Brook Lynn goes hard! TGJ via Yardie
Before snuffing a fan in Vancouver, Cudi chopped it up with Nardwuar for nearly nine minutes. If he stayed a second longer, he could’ve ended the interview courteously.
Here’s a lil’ paranormal activity courtesy of the Ghost and Green Lantern. Scared get a dog; you gully press play. The Green Ghost Project coming February 2010. Props: NR
[vodpod id=Groupvideo.4222140&w=425&h=350&fv=clip_id%3D8229849%26server%3Dvimeo.com%26autoplay%3D0%26fullscreen%3D1%26md5%3D0%26show_portrait%3D0%26show_title%3D0%26show_byline%3D0%26context%3Duser%3A934585%26context_id%3D%26force_embed%3D0%26multimoog%3D%26color%3D00ADEF%26force_info%3Dundefined] Luda crossed the Atlantic last Friday and performed his new single, “How Low” for over 2o,000 Nigerians. What up, y’all!
[sparkart-clique site=”rap_radar” video=”raekwon”] By the time you read this, the clip before you will probably be removed from YouTube. So until then, enjoy while the iron’s hot…or until we get another rip. UPDATE: What I tell ya? Shouts to John Macabee in our comment section.
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