[vodpod id=Groupvideo.3586220&w=425&h=350&fv=] “I don’t get dropped, I drop the label.” © Guess Who? Thank you Sylvia for giving this fool his walking papers. New anthem for you auto-tuner: “Go sign to E1. Advance is 20 dollars.” Ha! Props: AHH
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Chatting with SoulCulture, Jermaine recites his verse from “Badness” off The Warm Up mixtape. In case you haven’t heard, take a listen below.
[vodpod id=Groupvideo.3586139&w=425&h=350&fv=] Christopher Cross. Michael McDonald. The Roots. I can’t vouch for you, if you ain’t a part of this. Just watch the magic unfurl! I swear to God, I caught a chill. Ha! Update: Now we’re “Sailing“. Nice!
I wanna talk to the mayor, to the governor, to the muthafuckin’ President. NY Governor David Paterson emailed MTV and gave a stamp of approval of Hov being crowned the Hottest MC In The Game. “Jay-Z is not only an outstanding hip-hop artist, but a dedicated philanthropist as well,” Paterson said in a statement. “Having just attended his September 11th benefit concert in Madison Square Garden a few weeks ago, I can personally attest to his commitment to New York […]
One weekend. Two videos in the Sunshine State. Three MC’s who love the blow and the dough. Props: OnSmash Previously: On The Set: Rick Ross “Maybach Music 2.5”
At one of Funk Flex’s Car Shows, the part-time pastor performed a snippet of “Mo Money, Mo Problems” to little fanfare. Looks like no one wants to see ya fly, bruh. YK2
Survival Of The Illest 2.0 Previously: Warren G Speaks On XXL Cover XXL
[vodpod id=Groupvideo.3580641&w=425&h=350&fv=configParams%3Dvid%253D443159%2526uri%253Dmgid%253Auma%253Avideo%253Amtv.com%253A443159%2526startUri%3D%7BstartUri%7D] At the Thisis50 Fest concert this past Saturday, Curt gave insight on the actual artwork for Before I Self Destruct. Props: MTV
[vodpod id=Groupvideo.3582336&w=425&h=350&fv=bufferlength%3D5%26amp%3Bskin%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fnahright.com%252Fnews%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2009%252F09%252Fdangdang.swf%26amp%3Bimage%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fi33.tinypic.com%252F2v93o6d.png%26amp%3Blinktarget%3D_self%26amp%3Bdock%3Dfalse%26amp%3Bfile%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fvideo.ak.facebook.com%252Fcfs-ak-snc1%252F10829%252F128%252F27%252F1131557213723_36859.mp4%26amp%3Bplugins%3Dviral-2d] I wanna be like Kamaal when I grow up. Ha. Spotted: Pinboard Update: Embed blues. Now with Dre‘s player. Previously: Q-Tip’s Renaissance Continues Bonus: Speaking of rap pioneers.
I know I promised no more Gaga but just fast-forward to the final 30 seconds and watch Dre dodge a Detox question. Just when Game’s Twitpic got you in a tizzy. SMH. That album’s never coming out, kids. On second thought, drop it same day as Kill Bill 3! Spotted: Rap-Up
[…] set to drop on April 21. Unlike traditional mixtapes that feature DJs hosting and blending tracks, Fab is taking a different approach, opting for a project free from […]