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New Music: B.o.B. “Paper Chase”

“I want the money. I want the cars. I want the clothes. I want the ho’s” Aw Bobby, I fuckin’ feel ya. According to X, this track is two years old. Luckily for us, B.o.B. makes timeless music. Enjoy. Sidebar: If you’re in the NY area, B.o.B. is  performing tonight at the Highline Ballroom. Oh, oh alright!

Ghostface Digs The Boss & The Piano Man

In a recent Q&A with The New York Times, Starks reveals that he grooves to the musical stylings of Bruce Springsteen and Billy Joel. You also said you like classic artists like Bruce Springsteen. He got that voice, that [makes own voice deeper], voice voice, I like him, I like Billy Joel. Remember [singing] “Uptown Girl”? I loved that. Bob Dylan, he had a nice joint, he had lyrics. Sometimes, you gotta listen — listen. Back to Springsteen and Billy […]