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New Music: T-Pain “Take Your Shirt Off”

This is the official first single off T-Pain’s new album, RevolveR (The last capital R ain’t a mistake). The shit should be really called “Take Your Muthafuckin’ Shirt Off.” And I can dig it. It’s funky and crunky like Lil Jon in his prime. The “Is autotune really dead?” line ain’t even necessary as the song uses just a touch of the effect in the song’s bridge. Yup, it’s strong on its own two. Looks like Faheem’s gonna survive the […]

LL And The TV Show No One Cares About

Huge billboards. Heavy promo. A primetime major TV show starring role. A huge look for hip-hop, no? Still and all, there’s no buzz and no one seems to give a fuck, Including me. I grew up a huge James Todd Smith fan, but I can’t for the life of me muster up any excitement for his latest acting gig. Maybe you can. Season premiere tonight. Check the clip above. Come Again: Splash Previously: New Music: LL Cool J “N.C.I.S. (No […]

RR Exclusive: Snoop Dogg’s Victory Lap

Besides hip-hop, there’s not much Calvin and I have in common. Except when it comes to the pigskin, we ride with the black, white and yellow. Haven’t you noticed the colors of the Double R, fuckers. Yup, YN wins again. Touch down. Here’s Snoop, the Super Steelers fan, on his Heinz Field adventure. Previously: Backstage With Snoop Dogg & The Snoopadelics