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New Music: Whitney Houston “Salute”

“Don’t call it a comeback. I’ve been here for years.”

Hey, does Whitney say something about “you think that your shit don’t stink” here? You wanna talk about attitude? Well, ole girl got it on her album’s closer. Call me crazy, but this sounds like the big fuck you to B. Brown. 

“It took me all these years/ To realize that you don’t belong here/ I can do better/ You say I’d never do better/ Yeah, right whatever.”

{mp3}11 salute{/mp3} 

Sidebar: Tell Mr. Brown to blame Robert on this one. Here’s Kells demo version. And you say, Chi-City!


Rakim Bigs Up N.Y. Rap

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.866652&w=425&h=350&fv=] The 18th Letter salutes the hometown but he’s not sleepin’ on Drizzy and the new generation. “You gotta give it up to Jay. He’s holding New York right now,” Rakim said. “You have brothers like Fabolous that’s holding New York right now. Rap is spread out right now. It’s like the NFL last year. A lot of the teams we thought was going to the Super Bowl last year didn’t make it. You have young teams that people […]

Big Boi Says “Sir Luscious Left Foot” Is Done


Chopping it up with Maurice Garland, Big Boi says that his album, Sir Luscious Left Foot… is complete and that “Lookin For Ya” will be featured as well. Normally, I’d call bullshit. Afterall, Big Boi’s been plugging this album for the longest. But with Maurice there to give it an added co-sign, I believe it is. Maybe Def Jam felt otherwise?

New Music: Trina “That’s My Attitude”

“Get on my level hoe, You ain’t on my latitude/ I got plenty cribs no tellin’ where I travel too.”

Look out Minaj, the Baddest Bitch is back? Anyways, Trina returns and no she ain’t “Single Again” she got an “Attitude” instead. I wanna like this, but after a few listens it still sounds pretty generic. Can somebody point out the bounce?

[youtube= thats my attitude]

Props: YK2

Related: Breakthrough Trina “Nann Nigga

Besides call me old school but when I hear attitude, I think of something else. “Back when Antoinette had that attitude.”


Bow Wow Defends His Cash Money Decision

Uncle Rush continues to get his Arianna Huffington on, gettin’ Shad Moss to further explain why he parked his Lambo in the Williams brothers’ garage. To anyone who’s confused or says I don’t belong in Cash Money…Let me remind you that I’ve been down with Baby, Slim, Wayne and the whole Cash Money family from the beginning. 10 years ago when we really were “Lil” me and Wayne did a song for the Hardball movie soundtrack. Baby was influential in […]

Drake Says Bow Wow’s A Ladies Man, He’s An Honest Man

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.885628&w=425&h=350&] Drizzy addresses the accusations that his bars are strictly for the ladies. “I think there’s two types of rapping about women, there’s rapping about fairy-tale stuff …not to take away anything from an MC like this, but you take a rapper like Bow Wow, who is a genuine ladies’ man and all his songs are to make ladies love him and love themselves. And that’s cool. That’s a brand of music that might not always be what’s real, […]