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Entourage Season 6 Episode 6

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Think we’re gonna start posting Entourage eps on the Double R. Hey all of us hip-hop heads watch it anyhow. Just ask the homie from CNN (The rap group. Not the network.).


Once Again: Yardie

Bow Wow Signs To Cash Money

“He’s the newest member of the Cash Money team/ And he’s about to make that nigga Brian mad more CREAM.”

Umm. Nah.

Bow Wow broke the news on Twitter on Sunday that if you can’t beat Lil Wayne, you join him. That’s right rap fans, Bow Weezy and Weezy are now labelmates. In other news, Omarion, his singing buddy is only signed to Young Money. Take that, O!

Bonus: Here’s exclusive footage of the deal goin’ down.

Rae Speaks On Poppin’ Off W/Jump Off

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.866707&w=425&h=350&fv=] “We got the tape, nigga…” At a recent show in Toronto, Raekwon addresses the fuckery with Joe Budden. He says that his beef isn’t with Slaughterhouse, only Budden. Afterwards, he performs “Eye For An Eye” at the 3:00 mark.  How convenient. Props: X