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Cory Gunz On Mixtape Daily

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Double R’s secret weapon speaks with Dem 1515 Boys on his upcoming mixtape with DJ Drama.

Cory, Cannon and even Gunz’s dad Peter were all in the studio

last week working, and while the official album cooks up, the

22-year-old legacy MC continues to thrive off his street and Internet

popularity. Every Tuesday, he lets a new freestyle out on, and he just released a new mixtape called Heir to the Throne.

New Video: Kid Cudi “Make Her Say”

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Does Scott got a problem with the Double R? Settle down, son. We support you. See!

Props: Yardie

Nas Brings Jada Out (Live In NY)


With A still on stage, J-To-Tha-Mwah comes out to the stirring “Made You Look (Remix)”. Shout-out to my baby bro PreZZure who shot all this Rock The Bells footage. We got so much video. You might wanna call in sick today. Ha!

Nas/AZ Reunion (Live in NY)


This ain’t the first time they reconnected. And it probably won’t be the last. Sosa was one of Esco’s special guests last night. Here’s a quick runthrough of the three joints they peformed: “Life’s A Bitch,” “Phone Tap” and “Affirmative Action”. Firm Biz!