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The Game On Tour (Madrid, Spain) Part 2

In case you can’t bear Jayceon’s shenanigans for 30 minutes, here’s a play-by-play:
4:47 mark: Game’s friend Plays Chess By Himself
7:33 mark: Bigs Up Jay-Z
8:55 mark: Disses Jay-Z
11:35 mark: Disses Jay-Z Again (plugs: Jay-Z Breath Aroma Sticks)
15:56 mark: Gets Jumped Over By A BMX Rider
19:35 mark: Tries To Buy A Guy’s Sandals Jon Clettas
20:44 mark: Cops The Chron Clettas
23:50 mark: Speaks With Charlie Chaplin
27:18 mark: Exposes Mickey Mouse
Roc-A-Barbie, Y’all
Apparently, Young Hov loves the kids. Hey, I can’t knock the hustle.

The folks at Rocawear just sent over a collection of Mattel Barbie dolls inspired by Rocawear’s upcoming 10th-year anniversary. Although we don’t have complete details about the partnership between Mattel and Rocawear, we do have some cool photos of both male and female Barbie’s. As you can see, the dolls are freshly dipped in Rocawear apparel.

Props: Prefix via Jimmy Jazz