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dead prez Live At The Highline Ballroom

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Here’s footage of M1 and’s performance at the Highline Ballroom on Sunday. Get off your ass, and cop Pulse of The People in stores today.

Asher Roth Calls Alexa Chung

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With Nick Cannon at the helm, Asher phoned with It’s On and apologized for missing his performance due to illness. That Swine Flu epidemic pandemic is just sick. Ha!


R.I.P. Ed McMahon A.K.A. Rapper Ed


 “I did two rap songs. I’m very proud about that. I sang rap, you understand what I’m saying? I’m a rapper!

See, it’s so easy even Johnny Carson’s sidekick did it. Even before Plies threw wads cash, Ed had plenty money to distribute. Ask Mrs. Carter or Justin Timberlake, Eddie Mac gave them their start too. Saynora sir. Enjoy those Cash 4 Gold pavements in the sky.

Tuesdays With Cory: “Street Dwella”

Well, well, well. Look who’s back after a week long hiatus. Ha! Posted on the wall, Mr. Gunz proves he sumf’in like a street dwella.

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Sidebar: Oh yeah, yesterday was the Young Gunna’s 22nd born day. So, if you’re in the NY area tonight, head down to the Retreat Lounge and celebrate with the Bronx Bomber.

Yo Gotti Talks Cocaine Muzik 3

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Backstage at the Birthday Bash, Yo Gotti spoke to MTV about his new mixtape, Cocaine Muzik 3. 

“Whoever fits on a song that makes sense, that’s who we put

on it. I don’t base my album on other dudes. I got one [song] called ‘Newspaper on the Floor,’ ” he explained.

“It’s a lot of records that’s crazy. I don’t save a lot of songs. We

put some in the mixtape folders, some in the album folder. DJs come to

the studio and go through the folder like a buffet. Get your 10,12

songs, put your tape out.”

Now, it’s your turn. Check it out here.