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Rap Radar: 100 Days Later

Ha! I think the Jigga Man would disagree. This was lifted from Gawker and published two weeks before Rap Radar launched on March 9th. That’s right, y’all  today marks 100 days since the Double R set up shot. Take that Barack!

From the very beginning, we were destined to fail. But you know what they say, with success breeds envy. Hell, whether you agreed or disagree with Vibes list, from day uno, RR made headlines with Lil’ Kim and B.I.G.’s paranormal relationship, T.I. fronting on ghostwriting for Dr. Dre, and The Dream defending his main squeeze. Not a bad introduction into the game I’d say.

But in all honesty, no matter how many stories or songs we break, our success isn’t confined within the walls of the Rap Radar mansion. Take a look to the right of your screen and scroll down the list of sites we barter content from daily. Without them, we wouldn’t be squat. Special shouts to Eskay and Miss Info fast…and even Bol‘s bum ass. Hate it or love, the underdogs on top. Be clear, this is not a victory lap. We’ve still got plenty of work ahead. Rap Radar is where YN lives. Hip-Hop’s got a bigger house on the top of the hills. Let’s get it!

Drake Talks MJB & Jay-Z Collabo’s
[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.890925&w=425&h=350&fv=]
Aubrey eats a big a slice of humble pie as he talks about his collaborations with the Queen of Hip-Hop Soul and the that nigga Jigga.
“The Mary thing was set up as a single. The Jay thing, I don’t now how official that is. I just read that on the Internet. But it’s cool. I’m glad the work I’m doing is something that people are even considering putting out as a single. ‘Cause singles, you have to be confident in those songs when you’re talking about singles. It’s great. I’m glad that I’m delivering for people.”