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In today’s V60, Mr. Dorsey cosigns that Baby is puttin’ the band back together:
And you’re also working on a Hot Boys reunion, correct?
Yeah, yeah, you can look forward to that coming real soon. Real, real, real soon. We tying up the loose ends of the paperwork right now, and hopefully we’ll have that out this year.
What can you tell me about that?
It’s going to be bigger than The Beatles. It’s going to be bigger than The Beatles. [laughs]
So you’re excited about it?
Most definitely! Because you know, at one point in time, you couldn’t get me to talk about it. I wasn’t open for it, you know what I am saying? But as I grew and then I got older and as I started just understanding life in general, things happen, and things happen for a reason. You know, people go through things, family go through things, but they sit down, talk it over, be real about it, acknowledge their mistakes and move on.
Call me Sam cuz I’m still skeptical.
Spotted: SOHH
After a pretty blah interview with The Ruler, in which he bigs up the Rotten Apple, we get a lil’ “La Di Da Di” with some light-skinned dude on the beatbox.
Props: ACT: LIVE x Okayplayer

Hey, not everyone’s goin’ through a bitter divorce. The reason why Ms. Cole lets Boobie palm her ass? They’re a couple, damnit! No ring for the Cavs but it looks like duke got the prize.
What’s Poppin’ caught them canoodling. S2S got the scoop. And Necole Bitchie put me on.

It don’t take a genius to figure out who Miss Rogers is referring to:

And I call bullshit on those who think she was callin’ Esco a Homo Thug earlier. He’s not the only person she knows.

Not featured on the album above. Good job, Dwayne.
{mp3}kobe bryant-ky-6-4-09{/mp3}
Props: Karen Civil
Previously: NBA Finals Predictions: (Game 1)
Related: Kobe Covers 2K10
In the film, Dr. Cornel West, KRS-One, and others bitch speak on the entrappings of the hip-hop. Stop ya bloodclot crying.
Props: RealTalkNY