[vimeo http://vimeo.com/4991903]
Didn’t know rappers still did these kinds of things.
Props: Karen Civil via Dumskeme
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/4991903]
Didn’t know rappers still did these kinds of things.
Props: Karen Civil via Dumskeme
[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.891275&w=425&h=350&fv=file%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.three21media.com%2Fvideos%2Fuploads%2FARyEttYDcGrxFK2puUJN.flv%26amp%3Bimage%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.three21media.com%2Fvideos%2Fuploads%2Fthumbs%2FARyEttYDcGrxFK2puUJN.jpg%26amp%3Bconfig%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.three21media.com%2Fvideos%2Fconfig.xml%26amp%3Blink%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.three21media.com%2Fvideos%2Fplay.php%3Fvid%3D292]
Um, apparently not. I didn’t even ask for the shit. Don’t put me out there publicly and not deliver. What the fuck is wrong with these kids?
Don’t be the next contestant on YN’s Blackout screen.
“When David Carradine talked, Quentin Tarantino listened. Carradine, the always-working star of TV’s Kung Fu and the omnipotent title figure in Tarantino’s Kill Bill movies, has been found dead in a Thailand hotel. A report out of Thailand said the 72-year-old actor was found hanged in an apparent suicide.” —E!
{mp3}09 bang bang{/mp3}
[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.891276&w=425&h=350&fv=]
Irv tells the 1515 Boys about he’s P.O.’d about Eminem being touted in Vibe as The Greatest Rapper Alive.
“Hov makes real records. Every one of Eminem’s first singles is some clown shit!”
Welcome to the greatest show on earth.
How’s that for a headline? Ha!
Seriously though, Robbie just shared the following jewels from his recent sit-down with GFK for HHC:
Can you tell me about this R & B album? Are there a lot of collaborations?
Ghostface: Like when I did ‘Ice Cream’ and all the stuff like that. Remember ‘Ice Cream’? An album like that. A mixture of things, like you know how I did that Ne-Yo joint and ‘All That I Got Is You’ and stuff like that. It’s my last album [for Def Jam] so I wanted to do the album I always wanted to do, man. You gotta tell the fans that you not gettin’ no younger here – we gettin’ older! And everybody don’t sell crack no more, man. I don’t sell crack, yo. I ain’t movin’ no bricks or none of that other shit. I ain’t shoot nobody in like…since the early 90’s, man. How long you gonna be 40 years old and actin’ like you still sellin’ cracks and you on the block and you doin’ this and you doin’ that when times is more serious, man. We in a fuckin’ recession, B! Ain’t nobody gettin’ no money, man! We gotta stop lyin’ to ourselves and lyin’ to the fans. And the fans gotta stop bein’ so dumb and ignorant, and know it’s time to talk about grown-man situations. Shit that happen in the real life, inside your household, your love life, your personal life, that’s just like, ‘Damn, it’s hard for a nigga to get some money!’ It might be so hard to get some money that your girl might wanna leave you someday because you ain’t get no money like you like you used to be getting’ money! Those are real situations, so I think it should start goin’ back to songs that mean shit. All that other shit outside is just gonna keep us dumb, deaf and blind, yo, and we ain’t never gonna get nowhere.
I Heart Ignorance: UnKut
That’s a good look. Better yet, a hood look Mrs. Carter. Congrats.
Article here.
Spotted: Smarten Up Nas
The part of Regis was replaced by Will Ferrell and he along with the W.W.Y.L.F. of the TV world, Kelly Ripa, chopped it up with the homie from the Westside. Hey I’m married to the ‘Town, I gots to represent.
Is there no accounting for taste nowadays? SMH. Last time I saw this nigga, he was on a go cart at the VMA’s.
Read all about it: Los Angeles Times © X-to-tha-Z
I only meant to do one today but this blues legend just passed. Sad.
The boys from S.I. team up with Sosa on the first leak from Wu-Tang: Chamber Music. *throws up the W*
{mp3}01 harbormasters – clean{/mp3}