The princess of the Internets a.k.a. Orlando radio DJ Jessie Maguire gave us the audio of her enlightening interview with Alchemist from her born day show. Her recap will serve as your guide.
Alchemist calls in to The Backstage Pass on WPRK 91.5fm in Orlando to wish Jessie a happy birthday. He talks about:
– The status of the new album
– How he wants to stay behind the boards and just produce because he does not take his rapping too seriously
– What up and coming artists he likes right now (Jay Electronica, Fashawn, Nipsey Hussle, and more…)
– How Prodigy is doing and how he visits him frequently “He is working out… he is healthy… his mind is right… FREE P!…He just wants to work!”
– Who is producing on Em’s album and how after listening to Eminem’s Relapse album he felt like he wanted to throw his own album away because of how incredible it was (he says its his best work to date),
– Who he wants to work with (Alicia Keys, holla at Alchemist!)
Link for you and yours.