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Slim Thug Wants A Perfect 10
Slim Thug

“Looking for me a bitch look like Beyonce. With an ass like Ciara. And talent like Alicia Keys.”

Guess those Biggie Smalls records really did bump in Houston like Scarface produced ’em. Here’s Slim Thugga gettin’ his dreams of fuckin’ an R&B (and or rap) bitch on. What happened to ole girl that B booted out the group? Oh well, hide your daughters, the big fella is single and ready to mingle.

“Perfect 10 (iTunes Bonus)”

{mp3}slim thug- perfect 10 itunes bonus{/mp3}

Bow Down: YK2

Moment of Clarity: Charles Hamilton vs. Black Spade
Charles H


Black Spade

My homie from The Scratch days, The Gooch wanted to give his take on the beat-jackin’ accusation-filled, finger-pointin’ foolery goin on between Charles Hamilton and Black Spade. The following views don’t necessarily reflect YN’s, but this is my house and I live here. The floor is Mr. Cantor’s.

There’s been much debate going on in the rap blogosphere today about whether or not Charles Hamilton beatjacked St. Louis producer/MC Black Spade for a track he claims he produced and uploaded to his Myspace player in 2007. There’s apparently a dialogue going on between all parties involved (Kenny Fresh, of; Black Spade; and Charles Hamilton), obviously Spade is sticking to his story, and Charles to his.

After carefully listening to each track multiple times, it’s obvious that there are similarities and differences between them. Any time producers are working with samples, there’s the possibility that two different beatmakers can flip the same sample in similar ways. Still, it’s rare that producers will use the same types of drum sounds, the same swing on the rhythm section, same tempo, and so on. Because Spade’s version is a rough mix, you need to listen to each track with a pair of headphones, and you can very clearly hear that young Charles was working off Spade’s skeleton of a track. The whole beat is noticeably beefed up. There are some portions that sound like they have overdubbed vocals and additional layers of keys added, which Charles alluded to in his defense that he actually made the track.

Throwback Track: Asher Roth “Family Man”

Urban legend or in this case White Folk legend says this is the song that got Asher Roth his first record deal. Now with his album droppin’ on 4.20, it’s time to go back to Roth’s roots. Truth be told, this song isn’t half bad if you can block out a chorus that makes me want to shoot your daughter in the calf muscle. Album’s way better.

“Family Man”

{mp3}asher roth-family man{/mp3} 

He’s on fire: Mr. X

New Video: Twista “Wetter”

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.891866&w=425&h=350&fv=]

Goin’ to hell for saying this but the first 40 seconds here is so R Kelly. B.Dot’s right, this guy keeps tryin’ to recapture “Slow Jamz.” Does Twista even have any kind of record deal right now? He sure is floodin’ us (pun intended) with new music. Like I said, I fucks with that Game joint but I got my umbrella up on this one. Fuck outta here.

Props: WSHH

Nick and Mariah’s Born Day Adventure in Barbados
Nick and Mariah

Crystal F isn’t in today and I’m too lazy to watermark so do what you do, you ‘net theives. Ha! Above is a look at some fun in the sun that Nick provided for his boo’s born day weekend. After the jump, Mariah’s rump and another raunchier shot that I’ll leave to those dirty gossip sites. I’m classie like Freddie Blassie. 

New Music: Rick Ross x Nas “Usual Suspects”

“I dealt with brauds and those willin’ to sell their soul/ Over cars and clothes, man, I’m talkin’ petty hoes.”—Mr. Officer

Must be Def Jam leak day. Here’s the joint Rawse recently teased us with, a collabo with his Q-Boro labelmate, Nas.

After one listen, not that hot but notable nonetheless. 

“Usual Suspects”

{mp3}rick ross ft nas-usual suspects{/mp3} 

Props: X

50 Cent Fires Back At Rawse With “Window Shopper (Live)”

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.891868&w=425&h=350&fv=]

“Get that nigga 50. Get ’em!”

At a recent show in front of his neighbors (Peace, Connecticut!), Curtis climbs up a big-ass speaker to show off his new sneakers. How dare Rick Ross say he can’t dress? Um… Anyway, he then proceeds with what I need—one of my favorite tunes from the Get Rich soundtrack.

Bonus: Who can forget M-A-Dollar Sign-E and his $75 milkshake? Ha!


 Peace: Forbez DVD