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More Lil Wayne Rock!: “Hot Revolver”

This has been makin’ the rounds all over the Internets for awhile but supposedly this is the offcial CDQ of the potential second single from Weezy’s Rebirth “rock” album. Simply put, “Hot Revolver” is a hot mess. I can understand how “Prom Queen” can grow on you but this is a pile of excrement. The question remains will Ms. Rhone really let dude put out this junk? Somebody needs to make rap niggas rap.


Don’t Shoot The Messenger: Shake

Red and Meth Make A Video
Meth and Red

Looks like Blackout 2 really is gonna happen since the Dust Brothers shot a video for a song that we haven’t heard before. It’s called “Mr. International,” and I guess it’s the album’s official first single. More flicks from the set after the break.

RR Listening: Asher Roth “Asleep In The Bread Aisle”

Pressed for time but here goes: 

1. “Lark On My Go Kart”

You know I fucks with this one. That track is hard. The crazy Jewish kid behind the boards here is Oren Yoel and this well-produced album is as much a coming-out party for Roth as it is for him.

2. “Blunt Cruise”

Saw him do this one live at SXSW. An ode to weed. Roth ain’t a player but he smokes a lot. Not as bad as Cudi tho.

3. “I Love College”

Hate it or love it, the shit went gold. Weezer sample or not.

4. “La Di Da”

My personal favorite cut produced by Don Cannon. I think I’m quietly becoming a stan of the former Aphiliate’s work.

5. “Be By Myself”

The next single features Cee-Lo on the hook and has an ill musical breakdown in the bridge.