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Maybach Music 2 (No CDQ)

I wasn’t even at the Rick Ross listening party in NYC. But you know I know a lotta folks in high and low places that were in attendance. Boy looka here. Here’s what I found in my in-box.

“Maybach Music 2” (Re-Run Recording)

{mp3}maybach music 2- rough version{/mp3}

And for the record, wasn’t no one from my team.


Wait, Wayne’s opening line:

“All black Maybach, I’m sittin’ in the asshole”


Jim Jones Documentary Review

Besides Jomo’s play, there’s a documentary that he and Dame Dash have been workin’ on for awhile now. A special screening of This is Jim Jones took place today for us media types and one woman seems to have taken the most thorough notes.

“Chapter 8 shows Jim and Dame with their adorable sons shopping at Niketown (dropping $3000 in one hit) with Dame telling cameras

It Must Be Bobby: New B.O.B. Music

I’m still gonna call this guy B.O.B. for now. Gettin’ us warmed up for his SXSW performances, we have…

“Mr. Bobby”

{mp3}01 – bobby ray aka b.o.b. – mr. bobby{/mp3}

“Ghost In The Machine”

{mp3}02 – bobby ray aka b.o.b. – ghost in a machine{/mp3}

YN Says: “Ghost In The Machine” > “Mr. Bobby.” No shots.

Props: Dre via B.O.B.’s MySpace

Tyrese Butchers Kanye West Song


The thing that sucks about being an artist today is that with very lil technology someone can take your song and fuck it up. Someone tell Black Ty he owes Mr. West an apology. This is worst than the Ray J video.

It’s Still St. Patty’s: Jump Around!


We thought about postin’ the official music video earlier but didn’t. Instead how ’bout a rare live performance of a certified classic that kept white folks crazily bent in the early 90’s? This song reminds me of first gettin’ into this music industry cesspool. Here’s a toast: To my lost innocence. Forward. Never backward.