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I Need A Hot Girl: Amber vs. Tahiry
Amber Rose Smooth

It’s tradition: Horny young hip-hop fans covet thy favorite rapper’s wifey. And as XXL smartly points out there are two top contenders who are currently vying for the crown of adolescent adulation. In one corner, the not-so-quiet bald head, Kanye West’s new tag-poppin’ gal pal, Amber Rose. In the other, the mami got massive back, Internet star rising arm candy of Joe “Mouse” Budden, Tahiry. Is it the exotic tri-anything-sexual? Or the fiery latina?

New Music: Jim Jones “Frienemies”
Jones Day In the life

Damn, I was tryin’ to break this song since we launched the site. Oh well. Capo did give us this video. Oh yeah I don’t care what no one says. First verse Cam. Second verse Max. Ya smell me?


[youtube= jones- frienemies]

Props: YK2

Bonus: Time to educate the kids.

Gang Starr “B.I. Vs. Friendship”
