Not again. Flex was arrested this morning for allegedly assaulting his wife, Monica at his Westchester home. Police charged the Kingpin with harassment, aggravated harassment and criminal mischief. He was arraigned at Greenburgh Town Court after posting $500.00 bail. tmz
Tag: arrested
Juelz Santana was released from Bergen County jail in New Jersey today after posting $125,000 bail. This afternoon, he called Angie Martinez on Hot 97 and pleaded his case. He also gave an update on his long-delayed “Home Run” video.
A! The Bergen County prosecutor’s office says Juelz Santana was taken into custody today in New Jersey on four counts of narcotic and weapon offenses. The charge stems from a 10-month investigation by Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office Gang Unit, which lead to the raid of the rapper’s studio. During the invasion, two handguns, 17 bags of marijuana and drug paraphernalia were seized. Bail is set at $125,000 with no 10% option. UPDATE: Juelz’ brother, Twin spoke to MTV: “We are hopeful that my Brother will […]
Waka was released from the Henry County Jail yesterday after posting $40,000 bail. On Monday, he turned himself in based on an outstanding warrant. Hours ago, he posted the message above via his Twitter account. ahh
According to Kimora Cochran, Waka Flocka surrendered to the Henry County Sheriff’s Office around 2 p.m. today on an outstanding warrant issued after his home was raided by police a few weeks ago. At the time, the rapper wasn’t present. Waka’s bond has been set at $31,950 and was charged with violating probation, possession of drugs, firearms, and more. Blowa!
This past Saturday, Young Jeezy was arrested by Bahamian authorities before hitting the stage in New Providence. The reason for his arrest is unknown, but he was released in time to perform his set. The snow must go on. tribune UPDATE: Manager denies arrest to MTV.
[vodpod id=Video.4972850&w=425&h=350&] After getting arrested last week for a probation violation, DMX’s back at his home away from home: the Lower Buckeye jail in Arizona. While he waits to see a judge next week, X spoke with local FOX affiliate about his road to redemption. ice
Wiz Khalifa paid a visit to The Morning After With Angela Yee today and during his interview he spoke on his arrest last week for the first time. Legalize it, damn it!
[vodpod id=Video.4700300&w=425&h=350&fv=%26skin%3DMP1ExternalAll-MFL.swf%26embed%3Dtrue%26adSizeArray%3D300x240%26adSrc%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fad%252Edoubleclick%252Enet%252Fadx%252Ftsg%252Ewnyw%252Fnews%252Fmetro%252Fdetail%253Bdcmt%253Dtext%252Fxml%253Bpos%253D%253Btile%253D2%253Bfname%253Droc%252Da%252Dfella%252Dmogul%252Dbusted%252Din%252Dmassive%252Ddrug%252Dsweep%252Dncx%252D20101015%253Bloc%253Dsite%253Bsz%253D320x240%253Bord%253D180588049914007230%253Frand%253D0%252E7789036824481119%26flv%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww%252Emyfoxny%252Ecom%252Ffeeds%252FoutboundFeed%253FobfType%253DVIDEO%255FPLAYER%255FSMIL%255FFEED%2526componentId%253D133512188%26img%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fmedia2%252Emyfoxny%252Ecom%252F%252Fphoto%252F2010%252F10%252F15%252Frocafella%255F20101015153113%255F640%255F480%252EJPG%26story%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww%252Emyfoxny%252Ecom%252Fdpp%252Fnews%252Flocal%255Fnews%252Froc%252Da%252Dfella%252Dmogul%252Dbusted%252Din%252Dmassive%252Ddrug%252Dsweep%252Dncx%252D20101015%26category%3Dnews%26title%3D20101015drugperpwalk%252Emov%26oacct%3Dfoximfoximwnyw%2Cfoximglobal%26ovns%3Dfoxinteractivemedia%26] Here’s to bullshit catching up. Roc-A-Fella co-founder Kareem “Biggs” was arrested this past Friday for his involvement in a narcotic ring. Here’s him leaving in cuffs into a police squad car. Damn, everything was all good just a week ago. ice
Roc-A-Fella Records co-founder, Kareem “Biggs” Burke and 43 others (including a High Times magazine staffer) were arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement for their alleged involvement in a narcotic ring. According to the NY Post, agents raided Biggs’ home in North Bergen, NJ this morning. Reports say the network was ran by Geovanny “Manny” Rodriguez Perez and operated along the East Coast. Agents seized $1 million and 177 pounds of marijuana. In regards to the bust, special agent Jim Hayes […]
[…] With the advent of drill music, gang life is omnipresent in the current hip-hop/rap landscape. Yet, The Game's depiction of that life in his 2011 song "Red Nation" saw quick banning. In response, The Game hoped more of his songs were banned from radio because they did so well on the internet. […]