Love at first sight? Not really. Produced by Ham Squard, Mr. 106 & Park puts all the issues on wax for his brand new track. Shad thinks he knows, but he has no idea. hhnm
Tag: bow wow
Produced by Street Radio and co-produced by himself, DJ Absolut rounds up a few familiar faces for his brand new single. If you didn’t know, now you do.
Shad keeps it simple, yet grown in the first visual off his
Bow Wow celebrated his birthday at Miami’s Room Service lounge with guests Soulja Boy, Birdman and more. If you weren’t in attendance, EA gives us access.
Whether you filed your taxes or not, Taylor Gang’s Chevy Woods and YMCMB’s Wizzle have a track for you. Produced by Izze the Producer. Gangland 2 coming soon.
Mr. 106 lights up the ‘net with his fifth Greenlight tape. Guests include Rozay, Lil Wayne, Meek Mill, Snoop, Jada, Busta, Kendrick Lamar and production by Cardiak, Jahlil Beats, araabMUZIK and more.
Bow Wow’s got a one track mind and shares his nasty thoughts on the latest leak off Greenlight 5. So much for thinking outside the box. Mixtape drops March 9. UPDATE: Now featuring Kid Ink for you Alumni fans via HNHH. Bow Wow’s Greenlight 5 drops tomorrow.
With Snoop’s opening remarks, Bow Wow gets his grown man on with his new track produced by araabMUZIK. Off his upcoming mixtape, Greenlight 5.
Y’all know what this is. It’s 106. And today, Wizzle welcomed his mentor to the show to speak on the past and present of the label, the upcoming So So Def reunion show, Grammys, Whitney Houston and more.
Mr. 106 & Park returns to the beats and tries his hand over Tyga and Rozay’s collabo. Above is the cover art for his upcoming Greenlight 5 mixtape.