Produced by Cy Fyre, Mistah F.A.B. turns boys to men on the latest leak off their upcoming joint EP.
Tag: cy fyre
With Cy Fyre’s production to lean on, Mistah F.A.B. and Compton Menace share their pain on this new track. F.A.B. and Cy Fyre’s joint EP is coming soon.
Mistah F.A.B. and producer Cy Fyre knocked out an EP at DJ Skee’s Skee Lodge. But before the end result swings this way, here’s their first offering. Sounds like a great connect.
Killa Kyleon and Cy Fyre salutes the hometown on their joint mixtape. Features include Travis Barker, Cory Mo and more. Tracklist and download link after the jump.
Killa Kyleon leaves your beats alone and hums his flow on a new track off his upcoming project, H-Town Heroes with producer Cy Fyre. #runit TrapsNTrunks
Taking balling to another level is Slim Thug, Pill and Blaze Burna on this track, which rolls out producer Cy Fyre’s weekly music series, #FYREFRYDAYS. hhnm
His propensity to blend genres, his often light-hearted lyrics and his pop-oriented musical production, do not align with my vision of rap.