It seems like it was yesterday, Ja turned himself in. Last week, his
Tag: ja rule
The life of a celebrity has its good and bad.
[vodpod id=Video.16120785&w=540&h=350&fv=codever%3D1%26amp%3Bplayerid%3D61371447001%26amp%3Bstillurl%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fpdl%252Estream%252Eaol%252Ecom%252Fpdlext%252Faol%252Fbrightcove%252Fus%252Fmusic%252Fmusicvideos%252Ffontana%252Fjarule%252Fjarule%255Fbelieve%255Fvideo%255Fstill%255F480%252Ejpg%26amp%3Bpublisherid%3D1612833736%26amp%3Bvideoid%3D1458386087001] Even behind bars, Ja keeps hope alive when it comes to videos. Here’s his latest motion picture off his upcoming album, Pain Is Love 2.
Vodka usually goes down smooth, but for Ja’s new recording, bring a chaser. After a few listens, the hook might reel you in, but that’s about where it stops. Nevertheless, Pain Is Love 2 drops on February 28th.
Before Ja went behind bars he shot the video to his new single, and today we finally get the final product directed by Hype Williams. Pain Is Love 2 drops February 28. hhmm via wshh
No kite, this time. Instead, Loki calls VladTV from the clink and explains the structure of his case and the difference between his case and Lil Wayne’s. Guns and New York just don’t mix.
Although the album has been pushed back, Ja’s Twitter account decided to release its latest leak, produced by 7 Aurelius. Pain Is Love 2 drops February 28. UPDATE: Visual below
It appears Ja Rule’s Pain Is Love 2 just received
[vodpod id=Video.15837610&w=540&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26] Although Ja is
It’s almost that time for the arrival of Ja’s Pain Is Love 2. And while the clock keeps on tickin’ ’til its release next month, here’s his latest, produced by 7 Aurelius.
[…] search thru my many MP3s to put together a collection of my personal favorite songs from the King. YN’s MJ Music was seven volumes of greatness and was a big hit on the Rap Radar website. Today, in 2020, Michael […]