Say Amen
Say Amen
Boogie’s Anger.
In The 6.
Hand & Hand.
Welcome Back.
Everything Is Everything.
HILLelujah! Free At Last.
Freedom is just over the Hill.
After receiving an extra two weeks to pay up, Lauryn Hill was sentenced to three months in prison and three months of home confinement on tax evasion charges. According to her lawyer, she’s already paid more than $970,000 to cover her tab. Before sentencing, here’s what L Boogie said of her financial neglect. She’s scheduled to turn herself in on July 8th. “I needed to be able to earn so I could pay my taxes, without compromising the health and welfare of my children, […]
His propensity to blend genres, his often light-hearted lyrics and his pop-oriented musical production, do not align with my vision of rap.