[vodpod id=Video.15539218&w=540&h=350&fv=affiliateSiteId%3D176704%26widgetId%3D495995%26width%3D628%26height%3D386%26playOnLoad%3D0%26js%3D1%26autoPlay%3D0%26revision%3D80%26mediaURL%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.bet.com%252Fvideo%252Fhiphopawards%252F2011%252Fcyphers%252Fhha-digitalcypher-s9%252F_jcr_content%252Fleftcol%252Fvideoplayer.mrss%253Ftype%253Dembed%26allowFullScreen%3Dtrue%26] There were a number of cyphers tonight on the BET Hip Hop Awards, but none were as good as Shady 2.0’s. Catch Yelawolf, Slaughterhouse, and Em go to work above. Rest of the cyphers after the cut.
October 11, 2011 @ 11:40 PM EDT
Freddie Gibbs is one of the most authentic voices in contemporary hip-hop. With his ability to tell real stories and create unique atmospheres, he has conquered an ever-widening audience.