Missy the Icon.
Missy the Icon.
Naughty Out West
Bus & Everybody
For the next hour and a half, Treach and Kay Gee take Peter Rosenberg and Cipha Sounds down memory lane from their formative days to their current fall out with Vin Rock.
It sure has been an eventful week. Two thirds of Naughty By Nature stopped by the Breakfast Club to elaborate on the ongoing issue with Vin Rock and a recent physical altercation. Oy vey!
Naughty no! Following Treach’s comments about Vinny, he let his pen do the talking on this new diss. He tells AHH they haven’t spoke in years and it’s strictly business. “We never wanted to be the groups that couldn’t resolve our issues. Nobody is larger than the group. We always fit [Vinnie] in even if there wasn’t a spot for [him] to fit in. You will never see Vin do a Naughty show [alone], because he can’t. Me and KG (the groups […]
It appears that not all is well between Treach and Vinnie. Last night, Treach logged onto his Twitter account and handed his partner a pink slip. Vinnie from NAUGHTY BY NATURE is Officially FIRED!! Anything he does besides shows til Sept is Frugazy!! Fuck him & the Ground he Walks!! Anybody that fucks with that Bitch ass Nigga Don’t Fuck with Me!! Afterwards, Vin Rock responded, sorta, via Instagram. No word on what caused rift, but hopefully the issue is […]
Naughty By Nature is also celebrating their 20 anniversary with their 19 Naughty III. Sans Treach, Vinnie and Kay Gee visited Sway
[vodpod id=Groupvideo.10518568&w=540&h=350&fv=affiliateSiteId%3D176704%26widgetId%3D503443%26width%3D628%26height%3D386%26revision%3D113%26autoPlay%3D0%26playOnLoad%3D0%26js%3D1%26mediaURL%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.bet.com%252Fcontent%252Fbetcom%252Fvideo%252Fsoultrainawards%252F2011%252Fperformances%252Fsta11-perf-heavy-d%252F_jcr_content%252Fleftcol%252Fvideoplayer.mrss%26allowfullscreen%3D] Last night, BET aired the annual Soul Train Music Awards. During the ceremony, Doug E Fresh, Goodie Mob, Naughty By Nature, Big Daddy Kane, Kurtis Blow and others
Seems like these three are the life of the party wherever they go. Shot in Vegas and including clips of their world excursion, here’s the visual for Naughty’s new track with Joe. Anthem Inc. now drops December 13.
[…] With the advent of drill music, gang life is omnipresent in the current hip-hop/rap landscape. Yet, The Game's depiction of that life in his 2011 song "Red Nation" saw quick banning. In response, The Game hoped more of his songs were banned from radio because they did so well on the internet. […]