Tag: nicki minaj

Nicki Minaj & Drake Trade Interviews

[vodpod id=Video.6465613&w=540&h=350&fv=configParams%3Dvid%253D643521%2526uri%253Dmgid%253Auma%253Avideo%253Amtv.com%253A643521] MTV caught up with Drizzy and Nicki backstage during the New Orleans leg of the I Am Music 2 tour where the two exchanged questions. Below Nick touches on collabs when asked about new music. “Well, you know, Drizzy, I have been keeping everything sort of stored inside of me. So I’m just in complete tour mode. Yeah, I’ve been getting a lot of requests to do some features, but if I can’t give myself wholeheartedly, I always […]

Nicki Minaj Gives Chris Paul A Lap Dance

[vodpod id=Video.6207843&w=540&h=350&fv=] Nicki popped her money maker on NBA guard Chris Paul last night on the New Orleans leg of Weezy’s I Am Music 2 Tour. Considering that Nicki’s ass is the size of two basketballs, CP3 should have no problem with a full court press. boxden

Nicki Minaj Elle Photo Shoot

[vodpod id=Video.5934840&w=540&h=350&fv=videoId%3D894637960001%26playerID%3D86584612001%26playerKey%3DAQ%7E%7E%2CAAAAABYxIBg%7E%2CiuV76rCkkDBX276YVcVGCQBfeo2Ih7gO%26domain%3Dembed%26dynamicStreaming%3Dtrue] Nicki Minaj shares the cover with Gwen Stefani for Elle magazine’s “Music Issue” and here’s footage of Barbie’s photo shoot. After the jump, see her end, oops I mean the end result before it hits newsstands next month.

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