Q-Tip Renaissance Intv (Part 2)

Q-Tip RapRadar.com

Catch up if you missed Part 1.

On “Official,” you say “Busta is ferocious/I’m flawed and precocious.” Explain that. What do you mean?
Exactly that: I am not perfect.

And what girl told you that?
I know, I know, right? [Laughs] That

You seem like you’re really good at keeping your personal life out of your music, but actually you do touch on your personal life but you do it in a very abstract kind of way.
No pun, right? I guess so, I mean, you know… I try to like make it relatable and not too overbearing. Or something that when people can listen to it they can see themselves in it. Like I try to, the challenge for me… Because I feel like as an artist we all probably wanna get in there and talk about our whole lives and document it and say, ‘This is what happened.’ To me, that’s easy. The challenge is, how do I still get those messages across, satisfy myself then at the same time; include the listener too? And do so in a way that still has artist merit, the credence; it still has that, you know’m sayin’? So that’s how I view it so… Yeah I had that, a lil’ bit of that, was definitely about my past relationship and um, but it’s also… Some of it isn’t. It’s jut like things that we go through like I’m always gonna have songs that deal with relationships in my music.

Speaking of relationships, that definitely brings us to the next song, “We Fight/We Love.”

We Fight/We Love,” that joint is like, the first verse is a woman who is fighting to keep her relationship going, with like a dude who’s kinda like sitting around on his ass or whatever, doing what he’s doin’. The second verse deals with a kid who’s probably like 19 who can’t afford college and decides to enlist in the armed services and goes to Iraq. He’s tryna find himself looking for his soul in WMD’s, but you don’t find nothing ’cause its empty. And then it’s just like, you’re fighting for identity in both cases. And fighting for that emotion to have somebody to care or to care about something or care about yourself. It’s definitely a fight to maintain those things and to have those things. So that song is commentary on that.

So let’s get Raphael Saadiq on that. And we good. (Laughs)
Yeah sent it to him and he sent it right back to me. I think that’s the one song, if I could change it, I’d make it a little shorter. Like the chorus and the middle, I’d shorten it a little. If I could have a do over.

Part 3 manana.

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