Flick: Rae Jay Day!


Look who ran into each other at Power 105. Support hip-hop and cop both. I did. Standing Ovay!

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  1. okso... says:

    Ok so wheres the audio of Raes interview?

  2. FDOIII says:

    Already did!! Both great albums in their own respective lanes.

  3. TRUE STORY says:

    it’s good to see these hip-hop mammoths talking… back in the day it wasn’t nothing like that.

  4. hadto says:

    I must admit I went to the store with my last ten ones in my “entertainment budget” and had to cop that Rae. Jay has some good tracks but the timberland tracks especially “we off that” tipped the scales in Rae’s favor. Of course I’ll buy Jay’s shit eventually but not on opening day.

    Back to it.

  5. DJ Raj Lovesoul says:

    and both are the single most relevant solo artists in terms of hiphop excitement this year.

    rae was stronger tho real talk – no compromising



  6. ManOnFire says:

    I copped both 1st morning once the store opened.

  7. raul says:

    props to jay and the chef. Jigga made a good (not great album) any rae made a possible clasic.but did anyone notice in this picture how fucking short raekwon is.Ha

  8. NEW WU says:

    rae is probably 5’8” !

    jay is taller, that’s the betta way to say that

    jigga is tall. rae ain’t really short !!

    cuz real short dudes are omarion, bow wow and WAYNE !!!

  9. Phntm says:

    That huge dude to Rae’s left, is that the dude that tuned up @mousebudden?

  10. wow says:

    Damn Rae rocking that Jugrnaut t-shirt from Chicago. Dope!

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