1. iCandy says:

    I kinda like this… the veil is drawn back a little.

    and why would you be vague on Twitter? Nothing to gain in tweeting some overly-ambiguous statement like “life is a dream” at least say “I got some good news today, life is a dream” damn.. we’re not mindless drones.. we see straight through your evasiveness… your need to seem innocuous and bland. you’re being too cautious and it just makes you seem boring and lacking in personality. We love the Tupac’s the biggies and even when Jay is evasive, he will say some shit when he’s good and ready..

    the sooner these lil rappers learn it’s abotu relating to an audience the better.. this is the best snippet I’ve seen of JCole.. the first time he hasn’t had his blank face, “I don’t know nothing” mask on.. maybe you should drink more often.. smile.. laugh.. speak your mind. we knwo your story, we knwo you went to school (sigh) but who the fuck are YOU.. quick, before we forget you ever existed.

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