Eminem Speaks On New Single & Album
April 29, 2010 @ 10:17 AM EDT

Em phoned into his radio station this morning and spoke with Angela Yee about his new single “Not Afraid” and new album, Recovery. June 22nd, y’all.
Part 1: Em speaks on becoming artist of the decade, trashed songs, and reveals that Havoc’s production is featured on Recovery too.
Part 2: Debuts “Not Afraid”
Part 3: Speaks on B.o.B’s “Airplanes 2“, Detroit Lions, and no skits on Recovery.
He works with Havoc?! Ohhhh shittttt
DAmnnnn didnt know about Havoccccc haha yesss!
but shit..i was hoping he’d mention ALCHEMIST. lets hope…
and the single is Poppin!
Song is trash. From the production to the chorus, this is so disappointing. Eminem flow/wordplay in the verses are alright but its all been done before.
I really hope Recovery isn’t like this.
this track is pretty sick….and im happy he said hes not doing the accent on recovery
here’s the cdq linnk
He sounds like he’s really doin alot better, last years interviews he always sounded uncomfortable
not happy lol.. all he talked about was fckn sports…..nothin about SH
Download here: http://eminem50cent.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1186
are so many comments !!!
the songs pretty dope, cant wait for the whole album man
Damn, why’d you have to take my album cover off?
@Dan haha he cant please everyone…..but this shits FUckin DOPE!!
@ Drucifer1983
You was stanning in that otha Em post bruh lol. You kept talkin about the hate that Em gets but if u looked at the comments,obviously its more love than hate.
As for the song- 10/10
No skits! More songs is just great!
[…] The official first single for Em’s next project “Recovery”. The album is set for a June 22th release, and features production from Just Blaze, Dr. Dre, Boi-1da, Jim Jonsin, Mr. Porter, and more. He phoned in an interview this morning as well. Check out the interview where he breaks down the album and more over at Elliot’s place. […]
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!! Dude just destroyed me. Great song. Best one I’ve heard in a while. Cant wait for the Recovery.
[…] Shouts to RR… […]
Did Eminem juss drop his medicine ball, pretty much
Song is cool, but its not a hit single, its juss alright….dnt murder me stans, juss my opinion, like dnt like an artist so much that u can’t admit wen a song is not hot, ima EM fan but this isn’t a single
Dam it aint gona feel lik an Em album with no skits…and he should realse thos songs he’s throwin away as a mixtape calld the Old me..
Freestyle was dope, this is wack.
em bout to drop a classic
Damn, he looks beautiful in that photo!
No skits? Wow. That’s a first.
Havoc beat = SICK!
please, this beat is dope, the bass and drums bang in the headphones, this is what a first single should be like.
@ Negrito ; sorry but Em is better than most of the people you mentionned lol
and most of them put Em on their top 5 so kill yourself
“the last cd was…..ehh, perhaps I ran them accents into the ground”
told u Stans his last album was azz….lol
Big ups to Em for sayin that…thats real spit right there, not many ppl would say that about their work.
decent first single…motivational joint. its not the Marshall Mathers fire im waitin 4 tho. but still cant wait to the Lp drop ….
15 songs probably
This album is gonna be the shit!!!
the Dr.Dre song will be Slim SHADY FOR SURE…something funny
cool,no skits ^^ yeaah
@Rhyme haha i gues you just like his hardcore just str8 spittin goin in shit….Luckly Em’s so Versitile that he could in some way please everyone..
i actually like this single!
This that Eminem from before you white folks jacked him from us and made him make yall pop and fart songs.
Im glad this isnt a traditional Em against the pop scene single. Everyone who bought his last 2 cds are gonna get this new one only he might pull back in his earlier crowd. Hell i might have to come off that cheddar if the album tight.
this is the kinda song I want as a first single..we made you was funny…90% of relapse was too
Not Afraid is intense …like Marshall Marshall..not Shady
90% of Album will be like this
Song is sick….. metaphors wordplay flow is on another level….. The Best Rapper alive is back… recovery is gonna be a game changer….
Hey NEGRITO why is it all about race dude its the 21st century come now nigga
Take that racism somewhere dawg…If you knew what the fuck you were talking about you would know that RAKIM has mad respect for EM and thinks he is dope. Nuff said end of story…if RAKIM cosigns Em, that’s about all the proof I need.
Eminem is the best!
Download here http://slim-shady.ru/main/487-not-afraid-segodnya-v-1800-.html
and he put his “Money” on Mayweather!!! my nigga…
just remeber its a single and its for the radio so its not goin to be that fast and less cussing
[…] RR Posted three different clips so I merged them into one: Tags: Eminem On New Single and Album Comments RSS feed […]
wow no skits…..how INNOVATIVE!!!!!!!!
Better than The Eminem Show? bullshit! The song is pretty dope for an Eminem single, it aint nothing like “Just Lose It” “We Made You” or “Crack a Bottle” witch all suck. To Negrito: u must be a real racist, most black people hate on Em because he is one of the top rappers out there right now and still he’s being such a clown in some of his songs and such, white boy came up and proved that he master’s this “black genre” perfectly.
Wonder what ideas Em has for the music video.
Shit is firrrre!!!!
I really dont understand that guy negrito…. we dont see white people hating on morgan freeman or denzel washington for being great actors…. so i dont see why us nigors should hate on em cuz he his a great lyricist…..
The song is pretty good… Eminem is a dope lyricist! Ignore the racial aspect. If he was Black, he’d be more respected by some. Don’t hate this man b/c he is a “master of wordplay” and he is White. Yes, his skin color may have helped him some, but clearly it has hindered him, as well. Folks disrespect him, not because he doesn’t put out good music, but b/c he doesn’t have enough melanin in his skin. Ain’t that some bull shi*!
[…] Also check out his full interview on The Morning After with Angela Yee on Shade 45 here. […]
– This and the over freestyle are a nice little appetizer for the main course
– sounds like boi 1da used a straw and the top of a mcdonalds cup for the drums, and the souja boy orchestra hit! come on!
– would be a perfect song to play at rehab or AA meetings
– Em is back
– signs are pointing to RECOVERY being a classic
– Negrito is bored, lonely, mad, sad, confused, lost, ignorant, ect.
snap outta the racism bullshit. who gives a fuck, when them aliens come down here and bite your ass, WATCH this whole planet come together. THEN ITS GONNA BE A FIGHT FOR THE HUMAN RACE, and watch how easy we all gonna need eachother then
damn em one of the greatest of all time! amazing first song! cant wait for the album! hopefully its a classic! how do u think it will do in sales? better or worse than relapse? my guess is around the same!
There are 2 reason surprising me that the first, the post before on the air was disappear and the second, the responds of pople are so different compare to previouse comments. This song is great. His lyrics is so emotional,sincery and has confidence. His flow is EM’s own as like always. Plus I like his singing part.
Song’s wack. Just blaze better save this shit.
Wordplay and metaphors were nice…i smell a classic album =D…..its time you faggots listen to the lyrics instead of the beat…thanks em for bringin back REAL HIP-HOP
Eminem stans ride this duke’s jock so hard regardless how average a song he puts out.
And to the dude saying that his skin color didn’t help him *that* much, jump off a cliff.
“F*** ya fillins(feelings), instead of getting crowned you’re getting capped”
“time to exercise these demons them bitches doing jumping jacks now”
Glad to see he’s back on his game.
[…] speaks on new Single & album. Click here to listen to the […]
@ Dan
get your head out of you ass
Saying his colour helped him get to where he is today is really IGNORANT.
His colour worked for him because he MADE IT WORK. Especially coming up in a post Vanilla Ice world that ridiculized white rappers.
I like the song .. Wordplay is pretty sick
I dont love it … but I’m not supposed to because its a single. I hope the album gonna be sick.
His colour was his Curse that eventually became his Gift, because he flipped his cards
1st verse is crazy… Chorus is like “eehh” but I guess its gonna do good on radio
Dan is just a mad asian kid whose pissed Jin never took off
i’ve really been a big boi 1da fan…but at some point he is gonna have to change his drum sounds…
I’,m a big Em fan but…didnt really like the track. Far too cliche for me. I preferred 3/4 of Relapse to that. It’s like Beautiful with metaphors.
The beat is crap, chrous is pretty rubbish and why the hell is he apologising for Relapse – it was a good album. Shouty delivery is getting repetivie as well.
“Fuck the world
Feed it beans, it’s gassed up” is some shit Wayne would write.
People calling this a classic need to get their ears tested. It’s like Beautiful – good for one listen then boring after.
Really hope Revoery is different to this. I loved Em at first becuase he was original and had the concepts and ideas no-one had heard of and kept this up until after Relapse dropped, now its all cliche bullshit, that I’ve heard a million times from other artists.
Fuck yeah,the song is awsome.And no skits on the album,thats cool.Fuck tha haters,ya cant stop EM=)
gunsdrugsbitches says:
Thursday, April 29 2010 at 11:48 AM EST
@ Dan
get your head out of you ass
Saying his colour helped him get to where he is today is really IGNORANT.
His colour worked for him because he MADE IT WORK. Especially coming up in a post Vanilla Ice world that ridiculized white rappers.
I like the song .. Wordplay is pretty sick
I dont love it … but I’m not supposed to because its a single. I hope the album gonna be sick.
Obviously the muhfucka is talented but if all his fans love the “flow”, “wordplay” and “metaphors”, why aren’t they jockin’ Lupe?
herbsaac says:
Thursday, April 29 2010 at 11:56 AM EST
Dan is just a mad asian kid whose pissed Jin never took off
Yeah, that makes total sense. Firstly, I’m black but thats irrelevant. Secondly, one yourself and get off my “saac” you lil bitchmade groupie.
”Obviously the muhfucka is talented but if all his fans love the “flow”, “wordplay” and “metaphors”, why aren’t they jockin’ Lupe?”
actaully i do bump lupe lol and Lupe said it himself that he cant touch Eminem lol
yo mama says:
Thursday, April 29 2010 at 12:03 PM EST
”Obviously the muhfucka is talented but if all his fans love the “flow”, “wordplay” and “metaphors”, why aren’t they jockin’ Lupe?”
actaully i do bump lupe lol and Lupe said it himself that he cant touch Eminem lol
Did Lupe’s best-selling album sell anywhere close to Eminem’s worst selling post-Infinite album tho?
Lets be clear, Eminem is a great MC. Top 5 easy. No question. But, his skin color had a LOT to do with the appeal to White America. To deny it would be delusional.
[…] Sowieso moet je het zelf even checken want een interview met Eminem is altijd goed! Beluister hem hier! […]
[…] Shouts to RapRadar! […]
I don’t mind wordplay and punchlines as long as you’re talking about something personal and Em does that like nobody else
ken je dat…. is thatv afrikaans or dutch ?
i fuckin loved it. And I think it’s hilarious that even when people are saying “color doesn’t matter” the fact remains that they are still discussing color in the first place. It’s like saying “the word nigger is bad, don’t say it” – you’re fucking SAYING IT.
I don’t understand what people want out of this guy. On one hand you have the people who love Eminem when he’s crazy, out of his mind, disgusting, funny, also known as Slim Shady. Then you have the people who get sick of him “clowning around”, saying he isn’t “gangster” or “hard” enough, and that the want the angry, hard spitting Em back. So you get Dispicable. Holy shit, he’s the best ever. Then there’s others who want Em to spit some emotional poetic shit, which is Marshal Mathers, and you get “Not Afraid”, and all of a sudden you start bitching like a bitch about how he’s soft or lost his game or not original bla bla bla.
But regardless of what he does, you mother fuckers hate. It’s getting old. Your haters. Straight up, thats all you are. You are the unoriginal people.
i hate online arguing… you sitting around waiting for someone to respond to what you said..! lmao. refreshing the page. Lol. Gay.
Anyways… IM SO EXCITED about Eminem’s new album. He’s being so honest and sounding so sexi on the phone. And clean and sober! Remember when he couldn’t even answer questions n shit….
rabb says:
Thursday, April 29 2010 at 12:17 PM EST
i fuckin loved it. And I think it’s hilarious that even when people are saying “color doesn’t matter” the fact remains that they are still discussing color in the first place. It’s like saying “the word nigger is bad, don’t say it” – you’re fucking SAYING IT.
I don’t understand what people want out of this guy. On one hand you have the people who love Eminem when he’s crazy, out of his mind, disgusting, funny, also known as Slim Shady. Then you have the people who get sick of him “clowning around”, saying he isn’t “gangster” or “hard” enough, and that the want the angry, hard spitting Em back. So you get Dispicable. Holy shit, he’s the best ever. Then there’s others who want Em to spit some emotional poetic shit, which is Marshal Mathers, and you get “Not Afraid”, and all of a sudden you start bitching like a bitch about how he’s soft or lost his game or not original bla bla bla.
But regardless of what he does, you mother fuckers hate. It’s getting old. Your haters. Straight up, thats all you are. You are the unoriginal people.
What I want to know is what other kind of hip-hop you bump besides Eminem. I’m guessing just him and Aftermath/Shady/G-Unit affiliated artists.
Jay Z, Lupe, Kanye West (Not a big fan tbh), T.I., Common, Cudi, and now B.o.B.
And that’s just the known artists, I don’t hate because I’m not a depressed hating human being. It’s a waste of my fucking time, and yours too. Learn to look past the stereotypes and opinion of the majority. Take away the inhibitions and quit being a fuckin sheep.
@Dan is right, Em even said it himself on White America of Eminem Show on the 2nd verse.
Ya’ll love talking about Eminem. Say what you want, but a black artist with these same lyrics WON’T get this much attention. People love Eminem because they THINK they can relate to him as well as loving his talent. While there is nothing wrong with that I think the fact that his posts get SIX TIMES as many comments as other artists is ridiculous. Yall Eminem STANS need to be honest with yourselves and admit that the majority of YOUR excitement is due to his RACE. I don’t like the way fans defend artists like it’s their job. It’s ok to be a fan of someones work but don’t pledge allegiance to them. Love the art more than the artist.
rabb says:
Thursday, April 29 2010 at 12:31 PM EST
Jay Z, Lupe, Kanye West (Not a big fan tbh), T.I., Common, Cudi, and now B.o.B.
And that’s just the known artists, I don’t hate because I’m not a depressed hating human being. It’s a waste of my fucking time, and yours too. Learn to look past the stereotypes and opinion of the majority. Take away the inhibitions and quit being a fuckin sheep.
So not liking this particular song is being a “fuckin sheep”?
Well im Mexican and i get excited cuz he’s just so fuckin DOPE!! yea his race helped and? that shits so fuckin old..like word said that he even said it in white america..he did..in 2002!! its 2010 now,..just leave that shit alone..its over with…if they discussed it in 02 why the fuck you still talkin about it now??
its a must that you check out flyionattire.co.uk for that fly shit!!!!
it sounds like he seems a lot more happier, speaks more clear and has that old confidence back in his voice….when he first came back las year, he seemed real reserved and shy like he was uncomfortable, now he back on his “ego” shit….the song is pretty coo as far as a first single…i hope its a classic album. it sounds like a motivational song and hope his whole album isnt motivational…
@Dan Nah bro, hating on Eminem because you think the color of skin helped him, or didn’t help him, whatever the case may be, is being a sheep.
Ask yourself why it matters? Eminem is who he is now, he makes music, what the fuck does it matter how it happened? Does it make yourself feel better by making sure everyone knows “Yeah! OH YEAH! Well HES WHITE SO IT HELPED HIM BE SO SUCCESSFUL!”…
It doesn’t matter man, it already happened. He’s mad successful and makes some fucking great music. He’s mastered hip hop and is looking to master rap.
Just enjoy music bro, fuck race, we’re all brothers in the end.
@rabb couldnt have said it better myself
No matter what em does people are gonna find something to say about it. Personally I am 26 and been waiting on a more serious album from him so this is beautiful to me no pun intended. People that want the old em back can listen to his past albums im more interested on hearing what he has to offer now at this point in time. I don’t think the whole album will be like this but this so much more refreshing than his normal first singles which normally are his worst songs. He proved he could still destroy a beat with “despicable” and im betting that the 2nd single will be more up tempo for all you radio heads.
Eminem…aka Mr Interscope…is about to rape the charts AGAIN…just like he did in 2009
@Dan not rabb
oh this has NBA finals written all over it… Can we say CROSS MARKET? cha ching!!
IMO … the line about “you said you was king” was not a diss at any other rapper. In fact, if you look at it in context of the rest of that verse, I think it was a shot at HIMSELF, from the fans’ point of view. If you recall, there was a lot of talk about how that album was going to be called “KING MATHERS”. I could be wrong, but that’s how I took it. Anyway, very good song.
On the RACE issue …
Why don’t WHITE people get mad when Ali is called the greatest boxer?
Why don’t WHITE people get mad when Jordan is called the greatest baller?
Why don’t WHITE people get mad when Woods is called the greatest golfer?
The answer is VERY clear: there is truth in all of these statements, even if they are debatable.
This is why a normal, non-racist person can call Eminem the greatest rapper, although clearly debatable, without being a “Dick Rider”.
Long live real Hip-Hop! Late. (yeah i posted this on the other blog, and what??) HA!
All the haters can suck a dick and two balls. It’s ashame that Eminem fans are given this “Stan” label from closeminded haters. Eminem fans are not “Stans”, we are fans of real hip hop and Eminem is one the few artist left who make real hip hop records. Eminem is the only artist that has a song like “Stan”, and that is the only reason the Stan label is given to his fans. Lack of creativity on the haters part and ground breaking Em. Eminem has done songs with Jay-Z, Nas, Redman, Mehodman, and produced the soundtrack for the Tupac’s Resurection, these artist wouldn’t cosign Eminem if he wasn’t real hip hop. All this Em sucks and he’s not what he use to be, Bla bla bla, in the words of Jay-Z, “nigga want my old shit, buy my old album.” “Not Afraid” is dope, yes the concept is along the lines of say “Forever Young”, but his album is called Recovery, this is a song about his road to recovery which fits perfectly with his album title. Closeminded fucks!
let me tell you this… i respect eminem and music , but this sucks horribly what is this shit.. ace of base i saw the sign beat…. i know he in not afraid now cuz he put that song out for his 1st single… not feeling that shit on bit….
Personally this might be the best song he’s ever done.
It has anger in it, it’s pretty intense and emotional. I still think this album will be better than relapse, and his previous albums. Probably won’t sell like his earlier albums, but the quality of the album will be far superior. I love this song because the beat is simple, and the lyrics are straight to the point, and they actually have meaning. Sure there’s metaphors, there will always be metaphors in his music. He could say something about himself and have everyone thinking “Who is he dissing? who is he dissing?” That’s exactly why he is a genius when it comes to musical abilities.
everyone that thinks eminems only famoys because hes white is idiot. The whole europe loves eminem… its not just america… wake up people… and being white isnt somethin special in europe so that excuse is rediculus… u cant stand the fact that hes the best… dont be racist… rap isnt an ability only blacks has… everyone with talend like Ems will be accepted from the world no matter what colour he is…
I do not like “Not Afraid”… The beat isn’t appealing.. and don’t like the song overall.. people don’t think i am hating.. As i thoroughly enjoy Eminem and his songs… just not this one..
just realized that this track is the 1st single so its gonna have a video clip… i can imagine eminem on a mountain (:P) singin and raping on a stage and an crossroad or somethink… what yall think?
Not feeling the song no hate not a big em fan
this song is dope….classic “best first single”
This song is good one listen and I’m already humming the chorus that can only mean one thing its goin to be a classico.
This fucking shit is fucking dope. Listen to it again and again I smell radio hit. Ryan Seacrest radio hit.
like this page for recovery news as soon as it happens. he had not afraid at 6:30AM today. hes legit. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Recovery-Album-by-Eminem/117521318264061
fuck walmart!
I am a pretty big Eminem fan but I think this song is garbage. Top 10 worst eminem songs I ever heard in my life and i probably heard every single eminem song even before infinite. The message is cool but not even close to Sing for the Moment, he just cant structure a song like he use to. The flow is just off, He tries to make complex rhyme patterns like he use to but they just dont come out the same, the guy just doesnt have it any more. The metaphors and punchlines were just dumb, lil wayne-like bullshit that doesnt even really make sense and are said wrong, his brain just cant function like it use to, thats what time does to you. The singing is just garbage and shit like him talking crap about his last album just sounded weird, you just dont do that. Imagine Nas or Rakim saying their last album was ”eah” in a song, lol? His multi-syllables are simple as hell, 0 wordplay, weird ass rhyme patterns that sound like he fucked up, no crazy internal rhyming like he use to, etc, etc. The guy is almost 40 years old, once you hit a certain age your mind just doesnt work like it did in its prime, Hopefully the other songs on the album are better than this and he just made this for the radio, but i doubt it.
the song is crazy
[…] new single “Not Afraid” and his new album, Recovery, which is set to drop June 22nd. Props to RR. Part 1: Em speaks on becoming artist of the decade, the song he trashed, and reveals that […]
[…] new single “Not Afraid” and his new album, Recovery, which is set to drop June 22nd. Props to RR. Part 1: Em speaks on becoming artist of the decade, the song he trashed, and reveals that […]
with momentum like this, you can just tell that he is extremely confident and pleased with the album. everybody will benifit from good music
@Jay NYC…
Don’t worry…it’s just because you’re from New York. You don’t really get to hear (or know) good music.
The sounds like some lost verses from ‘We Are The World 2010.’ It sounds like something to play on Em’s E! True Hollywood Story…”in 2010 Eminem returned with his triumphant, soul-bearing single ‘I’m Not Afraid,’ making his return as the king of rap complete.” Its that ‘I’m Back’ song that stars make after they’ve been gone or went through something. I wouldn’t be surprised if Lindsey Lohan and Robert Downey, Jr. were cast for the video. For real, this is some real mega-pop star shit, which I really cant be mad at because hell, Em is a mega-pop star. Shit ain’t jammin’ though.”
Personally i love it.. Haters -its a number one record for the masses, get his stock up.. wait on the actual album if u want his hard shit.
This song is powerful.
Eminem = GOAT. Song is amazing.
too good to be true.
LOL look at the haters looking for something to hate on…Last year it was the Accent, now it’s the Beat. SMH
but I guess no song is prefect without a hater hating on it for no fucken reason!!
this song is Hella dope!!!!
fuck the ratings, fuck the comments, and fuck the haters!
5 ***** single right here!!
go out and by Recovery people! prolly the best album in June!!
@Jay NYC
Yeah i kinda (very slightly) agree wit u… it dsnt compare to sing for the moment cos i gues its kinda the sme thing.. bt its stil a really gud song.. u can tel he feeling it.. thats the most important.. relapse was jst him spitting, nw hes back into the music.. i dnt knw u bt i gurantee u ull feel the album!!!
@ Jay NYC what you just said about Eminem and this new song Confirms you a fucktard I need to go fuck up some intruders in my home a la the IRS on Wesley Snipes or some shit & as soon as I finish that I’ll explain to you and the other bloggers out there why
HAHAH “JAY NYC” its cool if you dont like it and I’m not the guy that needs anyone else to like the same stuff as I do…I think this song is great…Not his best but either I’m retarded or you my friend have no idea what you’re talking about…And its definitely not me.
i think he is talking about proof when he says “It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me
Admittedly i probably did it subliminally for you
So I could come back a brand new me, you helped see me through
And don’t even realise what you did, believe me you”
“GBO” the comment police are here and you need to find a dictionary. come back and try again.
he is the skit nazi! NO SKIT FOR YOU!
amazing….his most powerful biographical song period…
@shady b You could be onto something. Or just on something lol Just kidding
Does Anybody Else Notice That Em Has A Line Indented On His Face
From His Butt Chin To His Forhead lmao…
If I had a penny for every so called friend to me that tried to make amends with me?<–my wack ass line inspired by the new Eminem which is Dope
em is back!
Love his voice.. i wish i could speak to him
This must of gone over some of ya’lls heads… the concept of the song is his drug addiction. It’s about his desire to give up drugs and taking control of his life.
Had to point that out for the idiots who couldn’t grasp the meaning of his lyrics. It’s a well structred and powerful song, we now have a grown man that has evolved before our eyes. Just one of the many beauties of music, especially hip hop. And he’s spitting as furious as ever. Heads know this though. Peace folks.
* and take control of his life.
COSIGN JAY NYC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“I am a pretty big Eminem fan but I think this song is garbage. Top 10 worst eminem songs I ever heard in my life and i probably heard every single eminem song even before infinite. The message is cool but not even close to Sing for the Moment, he just cant structure a song like he use to. The flow is just off, He tries to make complex rhyme patterns like he use to but they just dont come out the same, the guy just doesnt have it any more. The metaphors and punchlines were just dumb, lil wayne-like bullshit that doesnt even really make sense and are said wrong, his brain just cant function like it use to, thats what time does to you. The singing is just garbage and shit like him talking crap about his last album just sounded weird, you just dont do that. Imagine Nas or Rakim saying their last album was ”eah” in a song, lol? His multi-syllables are simple as hell, 0 wordplay, weird ass rhyme patterns that sound like he fucked up, no crazy internal rhyming like he use to, etc, etc. The guy is almost 40 years old, once you hit a certain age your mind just doesnt work like it did in its prime, Hopefully the other songs on the album are better than this and he just made this for the radio, but i doubt it.”
Is embarrassing. Just…wow. When the song is this good, people resort to not making any fucking sense to try and hate. Fail some more.
I dont see the point in arguing back to the haters.
most of them haters are just racist anyways. because dude is white they just hate. doesnt even matter if he made like the best song ever created. they would still hate.
its in their nature.
for a first single, this is great. its different from his celeb bashing joking stuff. like paul said its uplifting.
and you can tell that the video for this is going to be DOPE.
also the first singles are normally never like the actual album. so just think when you said hearing them just blaze beats with eminem flowing on top. they are gonna be mad crazy.
JUNE 22ND. cop that
If you guys truly are fans. You will understand that artists are human beings. And music reflects their life (i mean who better than Em himself for example?) Em’s growing up, he’s a big boy now. He’s learning to play with others.
Personally I’m happy to hear Em on a Boi-1da track. Its so refreshing to the ear when Em rhymes on other peoples shit. The dude can make a great song. Over the years of him half-singing and with the boom of auto-tune he’s let the singer in him come out lol, let him rock. If this is a hint of Recovery, i’m happy.
And that ‘sing for the moment’ feeling you’re looking for. Consider this for a second… How old were you when you first heard ‘Sing for the moment’? We’re getting older, its harder to impress us. Maybe he’s just as good, or maybe just a LITTLE bit better than he was before. In our adult, jaded minds, we’re some hard mother fuckers to impress these days.. I love the growth, i love how his music IS the tv show to his life..
good shit!
check my music out if you like deliciousness.
-Oscar Stan Fernadez
^^Auto-tone? wtf are YOU talkin about??
jay nyc u have got to be the dumbest motherfucker, first of all nas and rakim wouldnt say that because they dont got the balls too u kno they kno and i kno that they have both put out more than one lackluster album, so in the words of ed lover fuck outta here wit that shit. second of all the man said “You said you was king, you lied through your teeth
For that fuck your feelings(fillings), instead of getting crowned you’re getting capped” or “This fucking black cloud’s still follow’s me around
But it’s time to exercise these demons
These motherfuckers are doing jumping jacks now!” lil wayne couldnt dream of a metaphor like that nor could u so once again (ed lover voice) fuck outta here with that shit. “I’mma be what I set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly
And all those who look down on me I’m tearing down your balcony”= internal rhyme scheme and a dope ass metaphor.. check the name and stop hatin…dumbass
@Jay NYC You were perhaps too harsh, but I do agree with you on some of it. I also agree that the beat could have been better. The thin sounding snares are no good. I do enjoy the strings however, props on those. I have a feeling this was made as a first single anyway, so don’t get too upset those of you who hate it with a passion. It’s near impossible for the Just Blaze tracks to be weak, so we have those to look forward to. The Dj Khalil, Mr. Porter and Havoc beats will be superb as well. Jim Jonsin.. I don’t know, could go either way with him. Dre of course will kill it, though I am upset Alchemist isn’t mentioned. I think there will be something on this album for everyone… no worries. First single is good enough- 8/10. Better then any other rap garbage that’s out there right now.
RIP Guru.
I’m speechless…
I really like it. It’s not a gimmick song, Em comes off as sincere and even if the hook is a little corny (it’s the first single, so it’s understandable), I still enjoy the song. In fact, this one grows on me the more I hear it, which is something an Eminem song didn’t do for years and years. So, substance, emotion and sincerity in a first single, can’t hate on that. And I like the beat. It’s not a monster beat but it’s simplistic for a reason. Cool single that gets me hyped for Recovery. Good to see the real Eminem is finally back.
horrible. i’m sorry to all the stan’s out there.
I been trying to like the song but its really bad. No where close to dope can’t believe he singing.
holla if you feel like you’ve been down the same road
gd track but i must admit the singin was kinda corny
I been trying to like the song but its really bad. No where close to dope can’t believe he singing.
I actually like the singing, though it is corny but he somehow makes it work. I don’t know, the song seems like something Em needed to get off his chest for quite some time and now that he’s older and calmer, the mature, positive vibe is how he should sound now, at least for a big single (in my opinion). It’s refreshing to hear him not resort to gimmicks for the first single.
Em is back,no one can touch him.He shits on your favorite rapper,thats why haters hate on him.Recovery will be a classic so FUCK YA:-)
EM is the BEST!
Everyone saying it’s corny when he sings, but on the Eminem Show(Which is probably their favorite album) he sings almost through the whole album, excluding a few songs. I don’t know of many, if any rappers that sing on their shit and still have a bangin’ track.
lmao @ the so called professional critics on here LOL make it hit if you know so much jeezzz, YOUR WASTING YOUR TALENT RANDY!
I think this is what the public needed to hear. finally a song that makes sense and is not em just having fun on a track. i really cant complain, the singing, the melody everything was on point this time around.
Em’s interviews are always hilarious also haha
fuck niggaz,i hate niggaz,all these black niggaz are taking white ppl’s place,all whie ppl should join and wipe out all these slave niggaz..i gotta say something to these animalistic,savages…you will always be our slaves and nothing more.white power will shit on black niggaz ..you want proof???eminem!!!! i dont tell this in public but if a nigga came to my house and ask for water i would make him eat his own black male poop.i am restlessly working on a way to kill all these animals.the day i will be happy will be the day all black slave niggaz die..i wish we could go back to the slave times.if u gotta problem reply to this..if its a nigga well nigga fuck u go fuck ur black mom.
WHITE POWER!! join us in making this world a nigga free place
Jeeeeeeeeez wtf you up in here speaking for every white man, get bitchslaped the **** down…………it aint about colour you short sighted, twisted devil worshipping honky tonk crocodile shoe wearing tooth picking white boy, you are on the wrong site ***bang***
Recovery will be 14 tracks.
No skits.
Not Afraid is track #8.
There will be 4 songs featuring other artists.
Dr. Dre; D12; Slaughterhouse; & Jay-Z
[…] Eminem sprach mit Shade45 u.a. über die Single, sein Album und vieles mehr. Checkt das Audio Interview hier. […]
@ CP
Hate much? I dnt have time to be reading over my coments i jst type and move on.. got other shit to do rather than blog all day.. get a job buddy!!!
wow you guys cant even spell what a crows the rap industry has
Who the Fuk is Jay z? Only Drake can Fuk wit M Somewhat! FUK THE REST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That white boy has a small peter!I’m a white boy and jesus loves the little children of the world!!
yo wtf is up wit dis hater hatin black people…… i hate haters…… eminem is the greatest rapper alive but aint no need ta bring race into it…. yeah he white… but everyone accepts em… not jus white people….. think before u speak dumbass.
[…] of 2009, Eminem was named artist of the decade. Recently during his interview with Angela Yee, he mentioned that he took a picture with the plaque. Yeah, he’s kinda of a big […]
[…] his albums have sold over 32 million units. Last week during his interview with Angela Yee, he mentioned that he took a picture with the plaque. Pictured above are Jimmy Iovine, Dr. Dre, Paul Rosenberg, […]
It’s amazing thedifference between Em speaking in every day life, and how sharp he is when he raps.
Em, congrats on artist of decade! You’re real good but you already know it 😉
eminem best ever im a dj and i think he is the best artist ever
am sick wit all dis bs about dis song being lame n d@ da beat is frail n all d@ . d@ is just pure bs. any good producer wud know dis song wasnn’t meant 2 b a club banger just sum tyn we all cud relate 2. some tyn for dos reflective periods of our life. Much emphasis was placed on the lyrics rada than the beat. guess dis was just intentional not to sway the listeners attention from the real message of the song. Jim Jonsin did da same on Game’s better days as well as on Fat joes’s put ya on da game so why do we complain if Boi-1da does da same. i jus dun get u song is @ No. 1 n u still complaining.
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