Jay-Z & Will Smith On Men In Black 3 Set
June 20, 2011 @ 11:05 AM EDT

Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones have been in NY over the last several weeks working on the third installment of their film, Men In Black. Yesterday, Big Willie got a visit from business partner Jay-Z on the set in Battery Park. Another pic after the jump.
Money ain’t a thang!
Once again Jay trying to look young.
^ He does look young.
jay z laughing at birdshit and lil wayne
Forget M.I.B. 3 start working on BAD BOYS 3. Bad Boys 2 was “OK” the first one is a classic. Jay still making power moves.
Jigga sucks…Will is cool though
@Sam Houston…oh please…dont look now but your elitist cumberband is showing! If I had a dollar for every man who between 35 and 50 wore his baseball cap backwards…I would be sitting pretty.
FYI Will Smith’s mother maiden name is . . .DASH and she is a relative, funny how history repeats itself. Run with Dash’s move like Cassius #punintended
F-king Legends.
You can tell jay is proud that will is the hollywood version of what jay z is in a way.
I’ve seen them before together they are possibly gonna keep ruling the roc nation together, peace
That’s a 41 year old man by the way.
Is he in the movie?
jigga dress your age dammit……really embarrassing now
ILLUMINATI a.k.a. black men getting paid in the arts according to you c-section hoebags.
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Can’t front…that is a boyish outfit ha
Think they’re laughing at 50?
jigga starting to dress like ye
who album droppin first
willow or j cole
Young Hov!
Isn’t Jay the one that had cats wearing button ups ? yall gettin mad at what cats are wearing lol – just respect the power moves — if i was worth millions id wear whatever the hell I wanted
Jay look like a typical bully who tries to act cool.Look at that shit,cap on backwards and a big gold chain..he looks like a 15 year old.And dont give me that man in black 3 bullshit,is this all hollywood can come up with? Sequels and follow-ups over 10 years after the original was out.Well i guess Will need a nr 1 movie again so he agreed to do man in black 3.All these kiddies like that shit and Will is a sucker for big budget movies with alot of data effect,greenscreen shots and computer technoligy
Ha IDK why people care what Jay is wearing. Rich people don’t give a shit what they wear. But Lets see how this movie turns out. It’s gonna make alot of money just because of Will.
Follow Me @KreativeMente
lol @ these cats telling Hov how to dress. He rocks a suit when it’s business, when you’re worth $450 mil you dress how u wanna
You young niggas on here sound madd because yall cant find the snap back he’s wearing
get off that man dick.. yall dudes sound funny critiquing how he dress – how about you get off ya
lazy ass and make something out yourself like he did… the funny thing is when your a boss it dont
matter how you dress – cause you dont answer to no one.. and i guess your looking at a prime
example with Jay-Z – he’s obviously doing something right, he married Beyonce, own a couple
companies and he is still able to dictate pop culture
#yeezytaughtyouwell http://www.thelifefiles.com/2011/05/19/what-do-you-jay-z/
EMINEM is an ICON. Jay…..wannabe ICON.
…still sold more records than…
i knew it was all bussiness..sign willow n will put him in movies
[…] rapradar / dailymail Tweet Categories/Tags: Jay-Z, Will […]
@ Aaron so Jay is not an Icon? GTFOH! Em is only popular with white ppl. Jay is a prime example of being an icon. Everyone in rap is on his dick, including the rapper you suck dick from Eminem.
motivation, hov is the illest nigga ever, fuck a hater, up 500 milly chillin with big willy on the set of a 1 billion dollar franchise… thanks hov
The clothes are cool but come on Jigga the Snapbacc with it turned baccwards i know hes the trendsetter but it look like he following the trends now come on a Snapbacc Jay really my nigga he shouldve checced himself in the mirror before he stepped out
#pause….but who’s money is longer, Jay or Will’s?
anybody that cosigns that 40 something man wearing a snapbacc baccwards is Lame its lame for these kids to be wearing that shit so its lame for him too nothing to do with age but it does a little bit becuz kids have no sense of style these dayz i look bacc on what i wore as a kid and laugh and so do everybody else but these kids these dayz are stealing their parents style from when they were kids so it does look bad that he’s that old and he’s hopping on a bad fashion trend but hey at the end of the day he worth 500 million so it really dont matter
These aint even real clothes hov is pyjama rich !!!
“Volume 3 Still Sold More Records Than Will Smith” –Jigga
Volume 3 still sold more records than Will Smith
That’s a lot of money just sitting there
SMH @ broke niggas complaining about what a multimillionaire is wearing , shit is borderline gay if you ask me .I’m yet to see Mark Cuban in a suit & he’s a billionaire , Jay don’t gotta answer to noone he can do what he wants
Instead of ppl concerning themselves with following the footsteps(blueprints) of Hov and Will, majority of these comments are concerned with Jays fashion?
This should start a new dialog of conversation:
Why are men so materialistic now?
Why do men look at other men clothes and critique?
Since when did men become so bitchy?
Are these particular men considering homosexuality?
My god my god smdh
I can’t wait for the movie. It’s gonna gross well over 300mil in the 1st month out. Jay & Will did one of the best things that 2 black men can do: PARTNERSHIP AND NETWORK
All you dudes complaining about Jays fashion and age, go back to school. Your missing out on LIFE!
yo nickey take a fucking chill pill. this is a hip hop blog! it documents culture and fashion is a part of our culture . . yeezy still needs to teach yoou well
instead of looking at the outfit how about watch and learn how to earn better
everbody that talk shit about jay and will are jealous simple as that, they rich you think they give a fuck what your broke ass say smh……………grow up!
I guess he’s running Speilberg down now, HA!!! *YN Laugh*
Lol at the ignorance on the comment boards..
[…] These flicks equal a whole lot of money. DailyMail posted some candid photos of Will Smith and Jay-Z chillen’ on the set of Men In Black 3. Thanks to BigHomie. […]
[…] These flicks equal a whole lot of money. DailyMail posted some candid photos of Will Smith and Jay-Z chillen’ on the set of Men In Black 3. Thanks to BigHomie. […]
Y’all americans are some haters!!! I bet Jay watch is a Audemart that cost 50,000 dollars!
cats dissin HOV 4 what? makes no since, let that man get his chips and u get yours!
Why do niggas give a fuck what hes wearing? Yu want him in a suit so yu could kiss the picture? The man is married to Beyonce and has made moves in his life. While you’re on a computer… Criticizing his cloths.
But yehh, I’m a fan of what Will does. Great actor. Idk how MIB 3 will turn out, but I respect for Will.
At T, that wasn’t to smart of a comeback. Clearly we can talk fashion, but to become obsessively homo about a man’s clothes is way beyond the borderline. Perhaps you should take a few deep breaths and ask yourself “Am I Gay?!”
Cuz you sound like Lil B to me…..and you know what the “B” for?
he look like crap grow the fuck up already, such an embarrassment i don’t know how beyonce does it but, then again she is in france and could care less about this camel lol.
Wow, more comments on Jays hat than you get on New Music posts haha. Jay and Will are some serious movers. Two of the coolest cats alive as well.
Hangover 2 grossed alot of money, but that shit was wack and corny. MIB3 will gross alot of money, but I doubt its gonna be anything MIB1 was. I feel like a MIB3 is very unnecesary. I felt like MIB2 was too. And a BB3 also Will? Come on man, you my favorite actor, can we get a brand new movie with a brand new plot that isnt a spin off or continuation of another movie? Imean, last movie he did that was original and good was I Am Legend. Hancock was decent and Seven Pounds was too depressing. Imma need another Independence Day-ish from The Fresh Prince.
[…] These flicks equal a whole lot of money. DailyMail posted some candid photos of Will Smith and Jay-Z chillen’ on the set of Men In Black 3. Thanks to BigHomie. […]
At Word, I got one more idea for Will to do and of course it’s a part 2.
This is my Fav Will film and if they can do The Bourne identity trilogy, well EOTS deserves 2 more. But no BAD BOYS 3, cuz #2 sucked and Hancock deserves 2 more. I am Legend, NO! IROBOT>> yes!
lol i’m glad he’s there and not here in france, now i can enjoy bey’s concert tonight without camel being here. he can stay there in ny and play as one of the aliens.
[…] in NYC filming Men In Black 3, Will Smith got a visit from Jay-Z on the set. See pics of the duo […]
HOW DO YOU DRESS OUR AGE?? what constitutes a “age” outfit
[…] in NYC filming Men In Black 3, Will Smith got a visit from Jay-Z on the set. See pics of the duo […]
lmao before this fashion trend started it was ONLY older dudes that were wearing snapbacks. Now they’re not allowed to at all smh
[…] in NYC filming Men In Black 3, Will Smith got a visit from Jay-Z on the set. See pics of the duo […]
[…] in NYC filming Men In Black 3, Will Smith got a visit from Jay-Z on the set. See pics of the duo […]
POWER and they BLACK! POW!!
Jay wearing one of those snake skin caps Don C made for ‘Ye
[…] We know this isn’t big news but the first two MIB movies were crack so I’m glad production of the movie is in progress. Will and Jay are arguably the best at their craft so these pictures are Gold. Hov look like a throwback stick-up kid from 1994. And let’s all hope our hairlines are in place like Will’s when we turn 40 one day. Shouts to Rap Radar […]
Fck this swagger-jacker Camel face!
Fuck Jay-Z back!
just wondering how much you have to be worth to”wear what you want” at any age since some use the fact that he’s worth a large sum of money as your reasoning? i actually agree with you i was just wondering what # gets you in that category?
BUT jay does look a little foolish. i always thought he lacked a sense of style anyway. money cant buy a sense of style
dang Will hasnt aged a bit
and uhh whats with the long ass comments/convo about Jay’s outfit…lame
Is Jay Z take part in men in black 3 ?
[…] in NYC filming Men In Black 3, Will Smith got a visit from Jay-Z on the set. See pics of the duo […]
@Aaron Eminem= the great white hope. Jay-Z = ICON, legend, entrepenuer, trend follower, trend-setter, Beyonce’s husband…..nuff said
[…] in NYC filming Men In Black 3, Will Smith got a visit from Jay-Z on the set. See pics of the duo […]
[…] in NYC filming Men In Black 3, Will Smith got a visit from Jay-Z on the set. See pics of the duo hanging […]
[…] in NYC filming Men In Black 3, Will Smith got a visit from Jay-Z on the set. See pics of the duo […]
[…] These flicks equal a whole lot of money. DailyMail posted some candid photos of Will Smith and Jay-Z chillen’ on the set of Men In Black 3. Thanks to BigHomie. […]
Some posts are just mean’t to be commented on, this is one. Thank you for an excellent read, so hard to find nowadays.