Will Smith Becomes Phila 76ers Owner

Here’s something we can get jiggy wit’. Despite the NBA lockout, Will and Jada Smith acquired a piece of the Philadelphia 76ers. A native of Philly, the couple will have a minority stake of the team. According to majority owner and billionaire, Joshua Harris:

My partners and I are thrilled to have become owners of the Sixers. It

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  1. O says:

    Anythings better then the hockey bum we use to have

  2. juju0190 says:

    why yall pick this goofy picture lmao

  3. Big Homie says:

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    You know what I’m sayin’ *Will Smith voice*

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  5. J-Mart says:


  6. Shade says:

    Why can’t you get jiggly with it? Jealous B.Dot?

  7. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    Nice !

  8. Willie_mcfly22 says:

    LOL af the gif…congrats Willie…dude isdoin it…a nigga like will smith should b kids role models…

  9. B.Dot says:

    oops typo

  10. wow says:

    and that’s a real piece, not that Nelly, Usher, Jay-Z “ownership” Boss moves Will Overbrook getting that money

  11. NeSumMC says:

    He a decent man! Much respekt!

    But he just bought sum shares, this aint gonna change anything about the team…

  12. PHILLYBRED(215) says:

    Now bring some real talent to my city.. #bigwilliestlye

  13. Ill Street says:

    He looks like Larry Fishburne in that pic

  14. G says:

    I bet this is as big as jigga’s stake in the nets. which is like .5 percent

  15. 215AllDay says:

    @ G – And the stake you own is 0%, hater.

    as a SIxers fan this does nothing for me but good to see a real fan get a piece of the team.

  16. the void says:

    6ers are always going to be terrible………and theyre in the eastern conference lol

  17. static says:

    now bring allen iverson back for 2 years and let the man retire in style. and make money hahah

  18. @tlas says:

    it’s great for when his team plays jay’s team, and they compete. business wise, we’ll see who has more impact as far as business and entmt value is concerned.

    evrythg isn’t hip hop…

  19. Stu Pickles says:

    For a moment I thought he bought the whole team. Yikes. “ghetto nigga, putting up Will Smith numbers.” 😛

  20. G says:

    @215 All Day

    Hater? LMFAO. I see you’re mad. You’re acting like I’m lying and that he actually owns like 20 percent of the team. All he is a figurehead like Jay and what all those celebrity owners are for the Dolphins. How is that hating? It’s the truth, dumbass

  21. JermaineCole says:

    i thought they were divorced??

  22. RICKYUNOS says:

    will is the best ! he should of been had a piece of that pie especially being that he is from Philly!

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