1. jburg says:

    This here is wack as fuck!

  2. Darrell Lee says:

    Oh gosh this is atrocious. Mannie I am disappointed in this. You didn’t do Anita no justice. A classic at that. I don’t even know what they’re rapping about because the track is so horrible. Fresh you are better than this.

  3. Collar Cali says:

    This track isn’t mastered at all…
    This couldn’t be real.
    I’ll have to pass on this song for life…& act like this didn’t happen….
    All is forgiven.

  4. Montu says:

    I’m feelin’ this here. Them other dudes listenin’ too hard, everything ain’t for everybody.

  5. dmfslimm says:

    mixtape shit only yall. why the hate? its one of the few times we will hear an anita baker sample cause you know she dont let nobody sample her shit. it wont be an official release but its kinda lazy on fresh side.

  6. GoHardOrGoHome says:

    Been playing this on repeat, track GO HARD!!! Ran across alot of youtube Anita Baker samples, and I love 9th Wonders Good Thoughts. When Drake rap on it, its hot. But when Juvie rap on it and do his thing, with classic Mannie spitting its gonna be considered WACK by New Age Dickriders. TPICAL INTERNET HATERS LMAO. Its 2012 getalife. Bout to beat this in the ride thank you for the Xmas stunt music Mannie you did it again big homie, GOOD SHYT.

  7. @TheRealBBP says:

    Mannie Didn’t Make This Beat I Did And Juve Haven’t Paid Me For Power Yet That’s Fucked up Bruh….

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