1. Tru^Story says:

    Dope as usual from Ave

  2. Blood Money says:

    Taxstone hold this L.Heard that clown got ran outta NY,

    1. el jim chapo guzman says:

      wack 100 is going to eat taxstone for breakfast.

    2. Lucky says:

      wack 100 on his head

  3. PREMERE says:

    This aint for you little phaggot trolls….

    1. Troll King says:

      Says the biggest phaggot troll

      1. PREMERE says:

        Why dont you go outside and play a game of hide and go fuck yourself……

        1. Troll King says:

          A game you know very well, troll phaggot

          1. PREMERE says:

            Nah hoe thats all yall shit, im just not somebody who gonna stay quiet when yall little young minds come to play games that all, proceed with your trolling now son……..

    2. Jamiedruzicka says:

      Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !mj279d:
      On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
      ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleFinancialJobsCash279HomeTradeGetPay$97Hour ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★::::::!mj279d:….,…….

  4. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Any nigga that ever looked at me wrong, owes me money, or ever said any jealous bullshit about me… is fuckin dead B!

  5. Scromes1212 says:

    Ave got em one.

  6. mc tamagawa toraya nidaime says:

    You understand what the fuck I’m saying, they’re fucking dead…. I don’t give a fuck about nothing nah mean?

    1. Christinachoisington says:

      Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !mj385d:
      On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
      ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleFinancialJobsCash385DirectManagementGetPay$97Hour ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★::::::!mj385d:….,…..

    2. PREMERE says:

      Shut up, you wont bust a grape in a food fight…..

      1. mc tamagawa toraya nidaime says:

        I’m your father figure great job son

        1. PREMERE says:

          It’s impossible to believe that the sperm that created this child beat out 1,000,000 others…….

          1. mc tamagawa toraya nidaime says:

            – typical heroin addict fighting and talking nonsense

          2. PREMERE says:

            You street smart. Sesame Street smart.

          3. mc tamagawa toraya nidaime says:

            I’ll kill you quick bitch 🔫

          4. PREMERE says:

            Imma get you a condom. That way you can have protection when you go fuck yourself……

  7. Major says:

    Troy is still getting better

  8. Real Talk says:

    Lil dopeboy troy better have that hit out on tax ready as soon as he takes the plea and goes away to do time.

  9. roman says:

    Anytime a sex tape is …”leaked” that artist is corny. They dont realize they stock just seriously went down

  10. Moscato Sundaysnyc says:

    Fuck Taxstone……

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