Common Loses Superpowers
April 2, 2009 @ 3:02 PM EDT

Woooha reports that Lonnie’s superpowers have been revoked as the lead role in The Green Lantern movie (No, DJ) scheduled to drop late next year. There’s no word as to why Warner Brothers dropped him from the role, but I’m guessing it’s a “Black thang.” In the comics, the original Lantern was of the Caucasian persuasion. So, the script probably had to be tweeked to fit Com. Ah well, at least he hit the jackpot here. Lucky bastard.
There IS a black Green Lantern in the comics, John Stewart, who I’m sure they were going to have Common assume the role of. But…as a huge comic book nerd, I’m a have to say this is a good call. I love Com’, but I ain’t took confident in his ability to pull John Stewart off.
Yeah I definitely remember a black green lantern too.
I think it was in the more recent versions.
This fuckin’ sucks.
John Stewart was the GL on the Justice League ..Tv show
I think he was cast for the JLA movie(Good choice) ..but they have to make Green Lantern first and its with Hal Jordan