Rick Ross Is Still Delusional

This leaked last night and it’s one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a minute. Seriously Ricky and Curtis need to take this on the road like Jomo’s play. I gotta say I’m sorry to the Bawse for prank callin’ him and pretending I was Nelson from G-Unit. I was just havin’ a lil fun. Ha! Or maybe it was this funny guy? LOL.

I think Ricky was just grumpy cause they wouldn’t let him and his boys into Sue’s the night before. And who’s on this Mafia Music Remix he keeps hypin’ up. All I know is Ja Rule‘s on it. That’s nothing to get excited about.

Props: TorchIsNY

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  1. kelito-vision says:

    watching this beef has been like watching a child get abused….Ross is taking Ls on the regular….he just needs to walk away…

  2. lovely says:

    This cop is just asking to get popped!!

  3. Simoj says:

    haha the biggest fraud and liar we have seen thus far, its just funny ,

    Nelson Gomez is a Prank Caller or something on Shade45

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