Kim Kardashian on “We Made You”


 Ray’s J old piece gives her take on Eminem’s new video, “We Made You”

“I just saw Eminem’s new video for “We Made You” and he totally spoofs me!! It was a total surprise to me because I had no idea he was going to talk about me in the song. I think this video is so funny! I am a huge Eminem fan and find it flattering that he would rap about me. He’s a bit harsh about some other celebrities, but you just have to let it go and have a sense of humor. Personally, I’m honored.”

Personally, I’m honored to own this.

Spotted: Thisis50

—broken cool

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  1. Big Homie aka Henney Hardaway says:

    Yea that DVD is official lol

    Glad Kim did not take that video personally. It’s just for fun.

  2. Barry Washington says:

    Say what you want about chick but I fuck with her. I’ve seen her on the show and she’s not as ditsy you would think she would be (ie Paris Hilton). She actually seems like she has a head on her shoulders, she’s also hot so you cant deny that. I can’t really say girl’s a ho cause I’m sure she didn’t plan on releasing that tape (still havent seen it, dont plan on it), and its cool that shes cool with Em “spoofin her”.

  3. Boing Boing says:

    …then 2 minutes later her ass replied, *see title*

  4. Theresa says:

    i envy the body of Kim Kardashian. for me, her body is so perfect and i really love her big boobs.

  5. Mea3 says:

    Kim Kardashian is very sexy and her beauty is very exotic. I really like her looks and the way she dress.

  6. Arthur says:

    Kim Kardashian is so sexy. I love her exotic beauty and her voluptous body. I only wish that she was taller though.

  7. Marcelino says:

    Kim Kardashian is no doubt very sexy and beautiful but i wonder if she would stay that way once she gave birth to a couple of kids.

  8. Kim Kardashian’s beauty is quite exotic, i like her pretty eyes though-`’

  9. Capricorn  says:

    Kim Kardashian has a perfect bone structure, she is very exotic looking but goddess pretty.”~

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