The Return of YN’s Breakaday: Buckle Up!
April 9, 2009 @ 7:28 PM EDT

It’s been a long time.
Dexter Wansel “Time Is The Teacher”
{mp3}05 time is the teacher{/mp3}
Sidebar: James Brown Week Comin’ Soon. Not! Ha!
FINALLY! all that bugging you actually brought it back.
. . chillin in his Mars Voyager.
Yes!!! bout phucking time
Yo, why you type ‘Ha!’ every 7 seconds? Ha!
You should read some of the shit you write so you can see how many times you type ‘Ha!’ The worst part is that none of the shit is actually funny..
I’ve been hoping you would bring this back. That was myu favorite part of I haven’t even frequented that site as much as i used to since you left. This site and nahright is the truth. Keep up the good work YN…. ANd what do you and ego trip have in the works? I know it’s another VH1 show coming up
i flipped this one in ’07.. .maybe i should revisit it.