Lark Voorhies Goes Go-Kart Riding

Interview: Brian “B.Dot” Miller

On the hit 90s sitcom Saved By The Bell, Lark Voorhies’ persuasive ta-ta’s and thighs, gave pubescent boys a reason to ditch the Saturday morning cartoons. In fact, hip-hop neophyte Asher Roth recorded the ode, “Lark On My Go Kart” off his debut, Asleep In The Bread Aisle as a testament. While promoting her new film The Next Hit, Lark spoke to Rap Radar about her future endeavors and never hitching a ride with Mr. Roth.

You recently made an appearance on VH1’s Black To The Future. Aside from that, what have you been up to?
Well, I have invested into my repertoire. Actually I just completed a movie called The Next Hit. It’s going to be a summer release. [It’s about] the rap world in Miami and what goes on in there. And it’s an action adventure thriller. A lot of suspense. I’m the associate producer on it and it’s in the final process re-editing. So it’s coming together.

Oh, so now you’re stepping behind the camera?

Uh, indeed I am. I’m broadening my horizons in that respect. And, it’s not my first time, so I’m getting a good rhythm with it. A nice feel for it. Cause I do enjoy all areas of my craft and I’m enjoying growing and developing. I’m more than just an entertainer, so it’s been fun.

What was it like growing up on the set of Saved By The Bell?
It’s a unique experience. You take on more than one role. And, it’s freeing. But it requires a lot of organization and responsibility. And at an early age, it comes in handy. When you grow up in a professional world, you’re more apt and ready to enter the real one. Once, you reach that age and step onto that plateau you work hard to succeed.

Did you feel any pressure as one of the first African American faces on Saturday morning television?

Nah, I never felt any pressure. Well see, my upbringing prepared me well for that. So, I made it a fun activity. Yes, there is a responsibility. Yes, people did wake up to that. And I had realized that upon auditioning that this was a unique opportunity for someone of my walk of life.  There’s an interesting story behind that. But to suffice to say, to the best of my ability, I like to believe that I lived up to that.

Do you ever watch re-runs of the show?

Definitely. We had such a good time. It’s like going through a treasured picture book.  

Were you aware that you were a teenage crush?

Let’s see.  Well. [Laughs] Like I said, I made it an adventure. You gain so many applicable qualities and abilities. You learn to memorize and translate literature and you just had so many advantages on regular schooling.

Uh, so it never occurred to you?

Well, I did realize I had a value and an audience to cater to.

Indeed. In addition to acting, you were also active in music. Is that something you’re still pursuing?

Indeed I am. We’re still active with it and it’s coming along great. I’m having a really great time with it. I’m working with an independent label, which is exciting, [through] Voorhies Entertainment. When an opportunity suits, you got to hit that entrepreneurship. So, it’s been an interesting ride.

Do you listen to hip-hop?


Who you do check for?

I’ve been studying different genres of music [so] I have to stretch my hip-hop legs again. My cousin is really good with that. He keeps me posted on who’s hot and what’s going on. We got satellite a few months ago, so I haven’t had my VH1 Soul. Got to hook that up. [But] let’s see. That’s a good question. The Black Eyed Peas. They’re definite favorites.  Some of the music is pretty challenging and pretty racy. Not that I discriminate, but you know, I am careful. You are what you eat. And I’m careful as to what I listen to. I don’t get a chance to talk about all the music out there. It would be overwhelming. But yeah, Black Eyed Peas definitely keep me in tuned. Kanye West. Stuff like that.

Are you familiar with the song inspired by you?

Hit me.

It’s a song called “Lark On My Go Kart,” by a new rapper named, Asher Roth.


You didn’t hear it?
You’re the first! This is news to me! I’m excited. Awesome, let me take some writing material. I have to write that down.

Actually, it’s a single.

Awesome! What’s his name again?

Asher. Roth.
I’m going to check that out. I’ll probably get it from They’ll probably have it. I’m really excited! That is so cool. I really appreciate that. I’m so happy that you were able to pass off that bit of information. I’m quite thrilled. I’m blushing all over the place. I mean, it’s something to be recognized by another person. Growing up with it all my life doesn’t deplete the value of that.

Would you be willing to meet him?

Oh, absolutely, I’d love to. That’d be too cool. If you can hook that up, I’ll really owe you one.

Great! After all, you are an original video vixen.

Ah, ok. I’m going to give you some toast on that butter. That’s nice. Thank you. [Laughs] OK.

Do you think you’d ever do something like that again?

That was fun. At this level, I probably would. It would make sense, being that, “Hello, I’m doing music” but, you know I got a point—[I’m] sticking to the plan. I’m definitely going to go for it.

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  1. DJ Daddy Mack says:

    :-/ at her not even knowing about it.

  2. BigDoug says:

    “Sitting with an Ashley… heading to the mall… sitting in the back seat… getting j*$ked off…”

    Yeah somehow I don’t think Lark will appreciate what Asher is doing with this track.

  3. Yayza says:

    Never really watched the show as kid, so I was confused as to what Lark on My Go Kart meant. I was like “WTF does a bird have to do with anything?”.

  4. All-En1 says:

    I posted about her today on my blog. WEIRD!

    learn more about lark. whether shes on your go kart or not

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