New Music: Rick Ross x Trina “Face”


Now that Ricky leaked last night, I can stop pretending I didn’t have the CD since yesterday afternoon. Here’s a final one from Deeper Than Rap that I’m really diggin’. Sounds like a Southern rap strip club anthem to me. Even if you disagree, you gotta admit, at the very least, it bodies the Foxy joint. Slip-N- Slide Forever!


{mp3}12 face{/mp3}

Sidebar: Havin’ a Bang ‘Em Smurf call-in at the end of “In Cold Blood” is pretty lame. And what’s up with Ross special thankin’ 50’s lawyer, Theo Sedimayer in the album credits? The truth is way more sinister!

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  1. Bawse says:

    I’m downloading strictly for the beats, Rawse was a CO and does not have the credentials to be a gangster rapper.

    Also, like my boy Saigon said…rappers would be in jail if they really did anything they talk about.

    50 was real hood back in the early 2000’s, I believed him. I don’t believe Rawse…or his femme boobs.


  2. bp says:

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