Jay-Z At Yankee Stadium


Here is Jigga at the Yanks home opener earlier this afternoon. Still rockin’ that new blue Yankee, eh Shawn? After the jump, he chats with  lil’ Danny Almonte a young fan.

Props: YBF 




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  1. lala says:

    Funny how Jay always has a smile on his face when’s not with wifey but when he is he looks miserable as hell & highly annoyed, guess being married to “the hottest chick” in the game isn’t what he thought it would be, esp. with her “i want no kids” attitude.

  2. coo1hand1uke says:

    So is Jay wearing anal beads or rosary beads around his neck? Just curious. In any case, his necklace looks like some tacky 1970s rear view mirror decorations.

    On a separate note, Too bad Jay is adopting other children and leaving his son Sonic sitting on the train in pink headphones. soo sad

  3. mr yeah says:

    wow i thought celebrities were obsessive, calling bloggers haters and all but it’s the comment sections they’re talking about. Yall fools go in!

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