Eminem’s Relapse Tracklist Confirmed
April 28, 2009 @ 6:09 PM EDT

It’s official the following is the tracklist for one of the most anticipated albums in a long muthafuckin’ time.
01) Dr. West (Skit) 01:29
02) 3am 05:20
03) My Mom 05:20
04) Insane 03:01
05) Bagpipes From Baghdad 04:43
06) Hello 04:08
07) Tonya (Skit) 00:43
08) Same Song & Dance 04:08
09) We Made You 04:30
10) Medicine Ball 03:57
11) Paul (Skit) 00:19
12) Stay Wide Awake 05:20
13) Old Time’s Sake f. Dr. Dre 04:35
14) Must Be The Ganja 04:03
15) Mr. Mathers 00:42
16) Deja Vu 04:43
17) Beautiful 06:32
18) Crack A Bottle f. Dr. Dre & 50 Cent 04:58
19) Steve Berman (Skit) 01:29
20) Underground/Ken Kaniff 06:19
That’s right, Shake cracked the safe. Good job, Internets. Ha!
And yup, iTunes says “Old Time’s Sake” May 5th and “Beautiful” May 12th. Wink. Wink.

Hmm, Some questionable titles in there. Crack A Bottle should’ve been scrapped!!
Bagpipes from Bhagdad better not be Eminem rapping in an arab accent!! >:o
BEAUTIFUL 6 minutes and 12 seconds loonngg, thats fucking long 🙂 for a single with that name, dammnnnn i want to hear that 🙂
And look at these titles, they already say that this album is gonna be fire.
But this is still not confirmed, soo Crack a bottle can be still not on this. But i dont care, he is releasing enough songs, and Relapse 2 will come soo…
i dont want Crack A Bottle on there. NO reason Crack A Bottle should have made the track list. hes been gone for five years he for sure has to have another hot song that coulda replaced Crack A Bottle. I understand it did well on the charts and for digital downloads but why put it on the album when everyone’s heard it and tired of it already. makes no sense, disappointed in that.
Dina Rae is always on track 13…she sang on “We Made You” which is track 09. Unless he has her on his NEXT single as well with Dre i am doubting this
It’s time for real rap and inguiness lyrics and Em did not hold back. This album and the next will pave the way for a new rap era!!!
Dina Rae wasn’t on track 13 of Encore and she was not on We Made You
that is not dina rae singing the chorus
this tracklist looks wack man, medicince ball what the heack and bagpipes from baghdad
I thought Em was collabo-ing with everybody in preperation for this… Dre and 50 the only features?
i will give you Encore…but to me that album doesnt exist so I forgot about it, my bad.
its either Dina Rae or Charmagne Tripp. I’ve read official articles stating both.
either way I am doubtful like I said..hopefully if crack a bottle does make the list that it’s the Eminem solo ghost track that leaked
havent heard anything…but it would be cool if he put alotta the colabs he did on Relapse 2. Kinda prop up D12 and the other Shady artists.
Only 50 and Dre features. Thats good, but KEEP IN MIND THIS IS NOT OFFICIAL!! YET , but its still an awesome list, and hot 🙂 gonna cop it.
I can’t wait to hear the middle eastern accent on ‘bagpipes from bagdhad’ and the jamacian accent on ‘must be the ganja’ and the french accent on ‘deja vu’ and the “what the fuck kinda accent is that?” on the rest of the album
please o please just rap normal again
this is bullshit.
on every eminem album track 13 has a female feature on the hook. this list is fake.
track 13 on encore: just lose it, track 13 on the re up: we ride for shady, track 13 on music from 8 mille: R.A.K.I.M. lol…you really think em would do domething like that? that’s foolish,hahaha…and by the way, em said the only collabs on the album are with dre and fifty, so i guess that’s quite real!haha…and it looks good… 20 tracks…can’t wait!
Em has confirmed last week that the only guest appearances are 50 and Dre. Relapse 2 is gonna have more appearances on it. Whoever said that Crack A Bottle should have been scrapped and replaced despite the success is a fucking dumbass. People bought the song on itunes so of course it’s gonna be on the album. The only thing wrong with the song was 50’s verse was wack as hell. Em and Dre should have split that verse. To another dumbass about Medicine Ball and Bagpipes, Em as Slim Shady is in rehab having a Relapse so that’s why he has songs named that way. It’s called concept.
Don’t judge the album based off it’s tracks titles,he could name the tracks after fucking fairy princesses and it still be dope. It looks like it’s going to be a serious album and I bet he is going to be even better on Relapse 2,I mean whenever EM is on a track with someone he goes off on it.
you guys don’t know officially yet that dis culd be real if there isn’t a different tracklist by may 19th den u bitchas r fukinq stoopid!!!! How can u judge sum1 by the fuckin’ tracklist bro!!!! Get a fukin’ hold of ur self
I can’t really tell if this is fake or not! Has all of the tracks mentioned (even the itunes ones), but still people say that Dina Rae should be on track 13 and crack a bottle won’t be on em’s album. Judging by the fact that he said “dre and fifty” only for the guest list, well, i guess it’s true, but this isn’ the most appealing track list.
Also, “Dr. West (Skit)” hmmm…. Dr. Donda West…kanye?! 🙂
Anybody notice how the times for Crack a bottle, we made you and 3am are all different then the mp3’s on iTunes?? I also believe 50 confirmed crack a bottle would be on his album!!
i can look at this tracklist and see the concept of this album, crack a bottle is like a celebration track as you see it toward the end this is symbolizing him out of rehab.
FAKE!! THIS IS NOT IT.. Its al little messed up
Interesting tracklist… and sorry if this has been said, but now, Em has two songs with exact titles of Beyonce songs: Crazy In Love and Deja Vu =P
i hope that this album is just full of the fun,dark comedy songs nd then i hope relapse 2 will be full of collabs and far more serious songs cause i think he probably split the songs between albums
Who gives a damn? Just go buy the cd. May 19th isnn’t far away. Even if you download shit,go buy this. Downloading music is cool and all but,you dont apreciate the music as much as you do when you buy it. Show these wack ass rappers what it’s like to be a respected musician.Buy Real Music!!!! Bootleg all Bullshit. The track list doesn’t look proper but,who knows what the hells been going on in his mind. Thats why we’re all here lookin for a scratch. Please!Keep Hip Hop alive. Buy Eminem Relapse May 19th.
Kill Auto-Tune and the word”Swagger” leaves a nasty taste
lol, yeah, i’m gonna download the 2 songs they said will be out as soon as i can find them, but when the album comes out, i’m gonna buy it…i always buy em’s albums…if he’s my favourite rapper i guess it wouldn’t be honest for me to download his shit illegally. other rappers i don’t mind… i mean, come on, i can’t afford buying everything original…my career is quite expensive. and i guess all of us download music, but at list we should support the ones we like…BUY RELAPSE ON MAY 19!!! (anyone thinks he’ll make history with this album?…4 years of silence and a lot of impatient fans)
if this tracklist is for real…then I believe “Beautiful” should be a song to his daughter, Halie
just look at da tracklist
its a slim shady style .. wid no collabos ..
classis slim shady ..
but da relapse 2 ..
its gon be da real shit ..
cuz check dis shit out ..
so its like he thought it ant proper to put a proof dedication between comedy songz ..
savin it fo da real album ..
Relapse 2 is supposed to be more happy and upbeat. Fuck that! This IS the REAL album.
The album is about 18 songs strong and its mostly Slim Shady themed shit (aside from the good yet poppy We Made You and that bs Crack A Bottle which leaked, sold through the roof, and Em was basically forced to put on his album). As Slim is when Em is by far his best lyrically. Its not just comedy, its his dark side, his violent side, his most uncensored side, his most emotional side, and most importantly, his most lyrical/creative side.
we all know that em’s one of the dopest mufukas to come out.. this LP s fucken classic.. it will one of the best shit in the world
accent: get a life! em’s trademark is his different voices SO GET OVER IT! to all you other haters, go away! it takes a genius to know genius and obviously you guys are not geniuses! eminem always comes out with the dopest music out there and if you dont respect the numbers then you are in DENIAL. im not sure is this tracklist is for real but it looks like it could be tweaked a bit still… i wish dina rae was on the album (however i do know she wasnt on EVERY #13 track, but when she was it sure was awesome!) also, i dont believe crack a bottle was going to be on it last i heard… but you never know. either way I CANT WAIT!!!!
if this is real or no shoud be never mind…just em iz back with a amazing album…
viva shady…
still waiting…
fuck that !
why has em started to rhyme like a shitstain, listen to 3AM – the voice hes using is fuckin turd central. he wants to be lil wayne, and lil wayne, officially, has a flow thats more horrible than a 80 year old man sucking a sloths penis. fact.
the rhyme you heard in 3am iz only for this track because the track iz about a horror affair…
accent: get a life! em’s trademark is his different voices SO GET OVER IT! to all you other haters, go away! it takes a genius to know genius and obviously you guys are not geniuses! eminem always comes out with the dopest music out there and if you dont respect the numbers then you are in DENIAL. im not sure is this tracklist is for real but it looks like it could be tweaked a bit still… i wish dina rae was on the album (however i do know she wasnt on EVERY #13 track, but when she was it sure was awesome!) also, i dont believe crack a bottle was going to be on it last i heard… but you never know. either way I CANT WAIT!!!!
its real peopele heard te album its ok beatiful deja vu best songs no proof song disapoitented
insane is about gettig arse raped by his steped dad
skits are funny i like them steve berman tells him to gt over is drug problem your not the only one lols
eminem ROCKS ……………… eminem is back
eminem is best of the best ………….. no one compete with him ……… eminem RULES !??!
All these songs have been leaked they are his tracks on his album I have all of them. It’s an amazing album!!
i’ve had this album for a few weeks now, it’s str8 flames! wait.. no… str8 magma! the whole thing, and bagpipes from baghdad is crazy, and that mom track is wild, this whole album is crazy!!! and i’m buyin a copy when it hits stores, maybe even 2 copies, and 4 all u Emin3m h8rs, ya’ll can all “GRAB A WHITE CRAYON AND COLOR A FCKN ZEBRA”!!! lmao “THIS ALBUM IS HELLA HARD HOMIE” lol (on the song he says this song is hella hard homie) lol and that christopher reeves verse at the end of medicine ball is wild that’s crazy
download these two parts and unpack them together its the full album
sik album..eminem as we know him is back wi even siker shit. and am lovin it.
loved every album this boys put out. just glad hes back the industry was lost without him! peace
all u h8rz said this sounded wack eminem shouldn’t use his accents this tracklist is obviously fake but it ended up being real and it wuz insane!!! one of the best albums ever might be em’s best album yet the way it all flows perfectly every track flows perfectly into the next one even the skits are crazy just more proof that em is the best ever oh and ur all complainin about no track dedicated to proof but em himself said that the entire album is dedicated to deshaun dupree holton aka proof becuz he couldn’t make any one track that wiz good enough for proof
so fuck all u haterz and doubterz. This wuz the real track list and it wiz sick so fuck all u. SHADY IS BACK!!!!!!!!!
im not sure is this tracklist is for real but it looks like it could be tweaked a bit still… i wish dina rae was on the album
i always buy em’s albums…if he’s my favourite rapper i guess it wouldn’t be honest for me to download his shit illegally.
this album is really good idk why u ppl bother arguing it becuz it doesnt effect anyone else’s opinion….
[…] ?? My guess is it's Paul doing some sick joke. Here's when the Relapse tracklist leaked: Rap Radar :: Eminem's Relapse Tracklist Confirmed It looks way different, it had the track lengths and just looks more professional…check that […]
I am a big Eminem fan and I love his rap songs and Eminems music videos but i have to say that although Relapse is a good album i much prefer his latest album Recovery featuring the smash hit duet with Rihanna “Love The Way You Lie” which is excellent. The Rap & Hip hop music video for that song is amazing too. Its certainly been a big comeback though for this amazing rap artist as his album Recovery continues to dominate both the album charts and the singles chart.
Thansk Nice Post
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