Hurricane Chris Performs At The Louisiana House of Representatives

This is just bizaree. At the 4:59 mark, a suited Hurricane Chris performs his hit, “Halle Berry (She Fine)” at the Lousiana House of Representatives. This can’t be life.
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  1. 80sbby90skdd says:

    What is this, bring your child rapper to work day!?!

  2. Summer 1989 says:

    Wow black people, its really over for us.

    This shit is depressing. . .

    Give nurture to your seeds, and load up your guns (c)

  3. OMFG says:

    I have NEVER been more embarrassed to be black….

  4. 3rdRail says:

    Man YN, why did you have to post this!!! I’m from Louisiana, but living in London right now and let me tell ya, I was embarrased all the over here. They have time to do this but we are cutting funding to higher education in our state…..just sad.

  5. mikeelegit23 says:

    someone kill me!

  6. Brent Wayne says:

    umm Halle Berry was event his song originoly, it was a guy from Dallas called Supersta.. so I like how he said he thought of it..hahaha

    and wtf is going on, like are u kidding me.. this is hillarious!!


  7. thinkfirst says:

    look, i’m white, but i can definitely empathize with where some of you guys are comin from here. But honestly, i think this is much more so of an all-around embarrassment for the entire LA House of Reps. Louisiana has become one of the most (if not, the most) poverty-stricken states in the nation, and consistently ranks among the worst states, categorically, in areas including public schooling, unemployment ratio, incarceration rate, and health care for its elderly and disabled. Surely these officials have more important matters to attend to. I mean what do they think the people that elected them are concerned more with: what will happen to their children whose school just closed as they themselves are laid off, or whether a song (already heavily broadcasted in radio rotation, mind you)is “performed” to help women (girls) feel beautiful like Halle Berry? I understand that it didn’t consume much time, but it’s the principle of it…ignorance abounds…smh

  8. justme says:

    What the hell is up with is Godmother too!!! She is ghetto as hell to even be representing the African American race. You would think she should have more class than that!!! And Hurricane just needs some prayer as well as the House of Reps for allowing such an act!!! Are u serious I have never seen anything like this!!! I am stunned like everyone else, WTF, WTF, WTF, WTF!!!!!

  9. bobbydigits says:

    Open up the bayous! The LA House should resign enmasse!

  10. SDC says:

    This is far beyond embarrassing toward the African American communities. What has Hurricane Chris contributed toward the black community that was positive. The song Halle Berry don’t sound uplifting when you trying to compare another woman to Halle Berry standard of beauty instead of her own beauty.

  11. NARxLEE says:

    he said he thought of this song…this song was hot b4 he got on it… dorrough and supastarr made this song and sold it to him for 20 gs…nigga get real…

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