1. Dman says:

    HAHA! love the audio very suitable for the bullshit im readin

  2. Tysonz says:

    Isnt Kanye supposedly supposed to be in INdia on some retreat dave chappelle Africa shit??? So much for deep cleansing of his sins……SMh

  3. Soulja says:

    I got a question, why they hatin’ on me?

  4. Toya says:

    I’m okay with whatever it takes to keep him away from Eminem.

  5. elz says:

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, yall studpid for that audio

  6. QUEENZ says:

    That audio is amazing and very appropriate for this foolishness

  7. Mujafa says:

    Im not a big fan och souljas music, but Kanye is a genius and I really think he could bring soulja’s music to another lever.

  8. B.Dot says:

    Musically, Kanye’s at 10. Soulja’s at like a 2

  9. Jason Ex says:

    i think that’s a typo
    we all know you actually meant -2

  10. B.Dot says:

    On second thought, yeah, your right.

  11. bullfrog24 says:

    thank u for that audio…i’m mad soulja boy is actually working with real rap artist now….

  12. Brandi-best-selling-author says:

    I think it’s going to be HOT!!! If Soulja’s a 2, and Kanye’s a 10, then somebody needs to work with him to pull him up! Somebody give him a chance! (but lol @ the audio) The kid’s got talent.

  13. Renzo says:

    Of course. He already sold out with the corny 808 album.

  14. koa29 says:


    808s is selling out? creating a purely emotional album is selling out? nahhh selling out would be ‘Graduation’, but that album was dope anyway. Haters gunna hate, thats all it is

  15. H3x says:

    Soulja boy’s music would be better if he worked with better people. So i think this will be decent.

  16. B.Dot says:

    True. Unfortanetly, he can’t rap.

  17. “Musically, Kanye’s at 10. Soulja’s at like a 2”

    Damn that’s an average of 6. Fail. No shots.

  18. Roc says:

    @ Renzo
    808s is corny? Are you musically fucked in the head. His “pop” songs were 10 fold better than any that were coming out. Actual musical talent and lyrics. You should actually stick to Souljaboy’s music cuz obviously if you think 808s is corny then you’ll think iSouljaboytellem is the fucking Mona Lisa of music.

  19. DEREK HASKELL says:


  20. JonAnderson says:

    ^lol you would Derek. Go back to elementary school with your classmates.

  21. Kwame O says:

    This should be dope… Its a good balance

  22. iCandy says:

    Let me just add: I don’t know a single Soulja Boy record, I can’t even think of a song now except the “And I mean youuuuu” sound byte. but I don’t understand the hate against him

    he’s a teenager, made beats in his basement, made a huge hit song. where is the problem here.. this is hip hop. this is the typicaljourney..I definitely don’t hate. To think he came out of his basement barely throughh highschool and is rapping on par with the “greatest rapper alive, lil Wayne” who has been rapping for 10+ years. is a feat.

    If you think Soulja Boy sucks, then please let’s be honest about Baby, Lil Wayne and a slightly more talented Drake ok.

  23. Kanyeezy says:

    I hope this collaberation isn’t happening. Kanye is my favorite artist and I would hate to see such a great artist have beats produced by such an untalented guy. Soulja Boy’s beats are horrible and his raps are even worse.

  24. […] Boy tells BET that he stepped his rap game up for his next album Dre. Last October, SB said he was in the lab working with Kanye West on the […]

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