New Music: Asher Roth “Rik Smits”


Yup I don’t fuck with dude’s Obama diss, but hey new rap is new rap, and I got a job to do. In case you missed it Sunday night, Peter Rosenberg had an action-packed hip-hop show which included new material from Scooter Braun’s property. Hate it or love it, this white dude can still flow.

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  1. Brad says:

    So because Asher is white and voiced an opinion on Obama he’s not playing his “white boy roll” we should bash him? What bout when black people talked shit about bush we didn’t bash them come on now. We all can voice an opInion without being racist.

  2. InMy64 says:

    Asher is soo dope. He don’t play. He is who he is. I honestly didn’t see anything wrong with his Obama remarks. His remarks were not racist at all. He’s Jus what hip hop needs.

  3. Cam says:

    So because Asher is white and voiced an opinion on Obama he’s not playing his “white boy roll” we should bash him? What bout when black people talked shit about bush we didn’t bash them come on now. We all can voice an opInion without being racist.


    completely agree. there was no comment that attacked obama’s race. bush got chopped up by everyone and their mother but nobody said a word. Just because obama is black we need to hold his hand throughout the presidency? people can have their own opinions. i voted for obama but damn people need to get his dick out of their mouth and quit bein so soft.

  4. Mega says:

    I’m sorry y’all but this boy is lukewarm on the mic at best.

  5. Toya says:

    I’m sorry y’all but this boy is lukewarm on the mic at best.
    I agree. Maybe with time he’ll get better. Maybe.

  6. Pain says:

    Dude, you’re always complainging that this kid doesn’t like Obama, but give me one reason that you like him, apart from that he’s black, you brainwashed moron

  7. james says:

    I agree with pain. We can insult Obama without being racist

  8. sanfi says:

    obama is almost as bad as bush so he should be get almost as bad criticism. ultimately they are both opportunists and puppets for the new world order. i think asher knows that.

  9. Jonesss says:

    call it irony

    but we just got the first Black President and our country is BROKE!.

    just sayin lol

  10. Mecca says:

    That was tight, not the best i’ve heard from him tho. He seems like hes bringin somethin new to the table with this next mixtape. He’s got me listenin.

  11. Myerz says:

    Asher said “Didn’t know you could win the peace prize by just talking sh*t…” how is that racist? So if someone doesnt like obama there racist?

  12. arg says:

    racist wasn’t brough in by any white fella its the ones that have a big chip on there shoulders that think being black makes a difference!not to my views on any one ! no matter what colour n all that shit its about people just being dicks and trying it on we all want to just live life free without all the red tape n stuff noone owes noone times change get over it but take note no white black yellow want’s a islamic state they have there home land a spoiled it why do we even considering doing it to our countrys from an english man islam wants the world to follow suit ain’t this just as bad as hittler! asher roth put this shit out there they dont like it tuff theres plenty of things we dont like but have to hear and see it most is not by choice but acceptence

  13. the kid says:

    this is a reply to joness….

    the country has been broke since bush was president…..and we got into a recession while bush was in presidency….

    according to the NBER (the ppl who decide when the rcession started if yu didnt know, which im sure yu didnt) the recession started in december 2007, way before obama….and the budget deficit was high then as well

  14. […] Asher hops on the Saigon track for a possible cut off the Greenhouse Effect 2. Radio rip courtesy of Peter Rosenberg and RapRadar. […]

  15. arg says:

    reply to the kid

    i think its more down to going to war thats done this and caused so much hardship all over all baby bush done was try and finish what his dad started and failed just the same as he did and war aint cheap and whatever the presadernt/parliment say aint the truth its what they want us to belive we are not important to them they still have all the luxary at tax payers expences charity starts at home for the people not just so they can say we do this we do that so we call the shots

  16. Costantino says:

    Hes not being racist at all. For some reason everytime a white man makes a comment towards a black man it comes off as racist. If a black man was dissing obama then i guess we wouldnt see all the non sense blogging about it

  17. Afura says:

    So because Asher is white and voiced an opinion on Obama he’s not playing his “white boy roll” we should bash him? What bout when black people talked shit about bush we didn’t bash them come on now. We all can voice an opInion without being racist.


    completely agree. there was no comment that attacked obama’s race. bush got chopped up by everyone and their mother but nobody said a word. Just because obama is black we need to hold his hand throughout the presidency? people can have their own opinions. i voted for obama but damn people need to get his dick out of their mouth and quit bein so soft.

    ^agree to the fullest, some of you guys are actually a step backward for race relations.

  18. gRiff says:

    lukewarm homie?? Ash is a beast my man.

  19. Dried Figs says:

    The only presidents that ever did anything for the people of this nation were, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and JFK. It’s so obvious isn’t it? The rest are just spokesman, yes-man and masonic and nazi emissaries… including Obama. It’s so funny how silly people are and whoever runs this website is a mindless sheep. The president that complained about how much money the previous administration spent goes and spends 7billion+ once immediately after he took office. Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 12 days after entering office all because… he “talked some shit.” The Nobel Family created the prize to support their high explosives and weapon business. That’s why Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini were all nominated. Meanwhile, one of the more educated rappers in this game, voices his opinion about a war criminal, murder and thief of a president and people turn it into a racial thing. I don’t think he’s completely black is he? Racial tension is one of the strongest tools for the government to manipulate your mind. Start thinking for yourself. There’s 2.5 wars going on. Our soldiers are dying, for no reason. Innocent people are dying for no reason and people have the nerve to bicker about what a rapper has to say about one of the spokesman behind one of the most murderous, diabolical corporations this world has ever seen. Wake up people and realize your rights, your soul and your mind are being stripped from you. I know RapRadar is no place for political discourse but whoever runs this damn website is a fucking fool and I won’t let him fool anyone else. Period. Shut the fuck up and learn your history because it’s repeating itself. And don’t take that fucking vaccine.

    Also, Roth pooped on this shit. Straight up. Dude can flow, dude’s got better content and wordplay than most rappers. Hope that greenhouse effect comes soon.

  20. arg says:

    why worry about history when the future is going down the pan clearly the people running these places dont see what there doing as its not there family out there they dont live on the bread line they have people sitting on the toilet warming the seat for them who then wipes there asess what they say aint what they do and never have there visions are not the vision of every day peoples lives god dont this subject get peopls back up when all anyone wants to do is have a good life
    make the most of what you got because its only gona get worse the way things are heading
    if theses top bods hear what we say why dont they do what we want and pay them for at the end of the day

  21. arg says:

    history has caused racisum things will never change if you live in the past
    accept it and move on

  22. Matt A says:

    i cant tell, but does he say “nick swish” in this song? if so, wow. he’s the man.

  23. ashers the truth says:

    i cant believe how fucking stupid it is..that asher roth mentions obama….and hes racist..

    i bet there isnt even a number high enough for how many times you said some bad shit bout bush…and i dont even know who you are…

    to be honest…obama did not deserve at NPP AT ALL! even he said so him self

    plus…asher roth is a big obama supporter…he has said it many times..he even wears an obama t-shirt in his first music video (roth boys) so…take your reverse racism and go to hell

    asher roth is like one of the only dudes who are actually spitting for the love of rap…

    there are like 5-10 tops…and he IS one.

  24. YN says:

    i hate asher roth, and the fact that hes white has alot to do with it (if not, ALL to do with it)
    rap is for black people! who does he think he is? we can just barely tolerate eminem! we dont need this cracka. i hated bush yes but thats not that big of a deal. people who hate obama are racist plain and simple

  25. arg says:

    right yn u prick
    things like that just shows what you think about whites never like being 2 or3rd best music’s music, whatever it is or who ever sings just coz the white rappers kicking ass again you just fuck off back to your getto slum suck that crack n meth pipes your clearly on your one of them, that think we owe you fucking milk tokens n everything else try washing in the morning a talk properly your get a job! my local park needs a shit picker perfect for you!

  26. Bryce Ayyy says:

    Don’t give a fuck what yall say.
    Ash Roth would be ridiculed either way….

    If Ash Roth talked bout how much he loved Obama, people would say
    “He’s only saying what he likes Obama to appeal to the black crowd.”
    Now that he has an opinion that contests that of a person who was said to be the community ‘fan-favorite’ then he’s considered a racist…
    yall niggas is tripping…..

    Just sit down….he can say what he wants WITHIN the LIMITS…
    Obama really has been doing nothing but talking and not much action as far as WE know…

    So I stand by A-Roth to the fullest on that…fuck those who don’t agree, he’s entitled to his opinion and freedom of speech as are the rest of us.It was no where near being racist…
    Our people just love playing that black card too much and its ridiculous how we’re soooo quick to want to classify someone as a racist.

    Ohhh and Ash keeps gettin better as the months go by.Don’t sleep on the white boy, his album was pretty nice.
    Every verse he does shows his growth as an MC.
    check out his D.O.A freestyle, How Many Bars(He was high when he spit that shit) and this….
    Ash is doing his thing.

  27. arg says:

    whos the ones that are ashamed of there colour not the whites not the yellows not many asian coz we’ve all achived things and are pound of what we done what have you brought to this place apart from racisum and if it wern’t for slavery you would still be in the sticks eating wheat we cant give you no more start earning it to be accepted you got to except your self in stead of looking in the mirror wishing your white get over it we have god yn you piss me off

  28. […] Asher hops on the Saigon track for a possible cut off the Greenhouse Effect 2, coming soon. Radio rip courtesy of Peter Rosenberg and RapRadar. […]

  29. Cam says:

    i hate asher roth, and the fact that hes white has alot to do with it (if not, ALL to do with it)
    rap is for black people! who does he think he is? we can just barely tolerate eminem! we dont need this cracka. i hated bush yes but thats not that big of a deal. people who hate obama are racist plain and simple


    lol this cant really be YN makin this comment. i doubt he even responds. i really dont see any way that he could convince us hes right about asher. YN’s the only racist in this little situation it seems.

  30. Dried Figs says:

    Elliot Wilson is very much a degressive voice for humanity.

  31. uhhh says:

    quick question to all y’all (obviously white) ppl postin in this message: can u show me where in this post did Elliott say ”racist”??? (by the way that YN post in the comment section OBVIOUSLY wusnt him) exactly… NOWHERE. so y’all just got defensive real quick when he said he wusn’t fuckin wit Asher’s Obama comments, which: 1) its his opinion 2) he’s right because Asher’s problem in his comment was sayin obama won the prize by ”talkin shit”, and THATS where he fucked up (oh and the whole rutgers joke wusnt cool neitha in case y’all forgot)

    ppl can b so stupid sometimes.. let see how y’all respond to me…

    And oh ya… Asher went in on this joint

  32. Craig Palm says:

    Must hear ASHER DISS …up and coming Chi- rapper on the rise, Napalm, is destroying the club scene…moreso destroys the ginger kid. Called “Put me in the Same Room” Enjoy.

  33. Craig Palm says:

    LYRICAL MURDER….Must hear ASHER DISS …most clever punchlines you ever heard.
    Up and coming Chi- rapper on the rise, NAPALM, is destroying the club scene…moreso destroys the ginger kid. Called “Put me in the Same Room” Enjoy.

  34. […] Missed out on posting this yesterday due to my power issues (which are still going on, smh). Anyways… Peter Rosenberg played some new Ash Roth that may or may not be featured on the Greenhouse Effect 2. Here goes the radio ripped version via RR. […]

  35. […] Asher Roth – Rik Smits (C’mon Baby Freestyle) [Radio Rip via RR] […]

  36. […] Roth – Rik Smits (C’mon Baby Freestyle) [Radio Rip via RR] Submit this to Script & StyleShare this on BlinklistShare this on del.icio.usDigg this!Post […]

  37. Nick says:

    hey guys on asher roths just listen free style and roth boys video hes rocking the obamas shirt the president is going to get critizied but b.c hes black ppl have to say that the person making the comment is rascist and cant address the issue? give me a break asher roth keep doin wat u do

  38. Babow says:

    Asher Roth is no racist i met him at V festival and how much love he has for his fans there was mixed race there all he wants his fans not enemies he is a peacefull young man trying to make a living its just like making a movie about anything from war to anything else its not real its just entertainment with everything that will keep you watching and talking in days weeks months or years to come “PERFORMING ARTS”

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